Insurance Inspired 2021 Agenda

All times listed are Singapore Standard Time

Thursday, July 8, 2021

10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. - Welcome Remarks

10:10 a.m. - 10:55 a.m. - Cultivate Gen Next Advisors – Connect in their Ways and Empower them with the Purpose

Cultivate Gen Next Advisors – Connect in their Ways and Empower them with the Purpose

Attracting Gen Next talent and creating an energetic, dynamic and motivating workplace culture is always important for achieving a sustainable and long-term growth for organizations. Jason Chou, Chief Agency Officer of Sun Life Hong Kong, will share with you their Brighter Academy strategies:

  • Brighter Gen – How to attract Gen Next talent to join the financial planning business and support their early success and career advancement?
  • Brighter Pro – How to uplift the overall agency productivity and achieve over 20% MDRT members for a sizable agency force
  • Brighter Leader – Establish an efficient platform and ecosystem to drive a transformational manpower growth

Jason Chou - Chief Agency Officer, Sun Life Hong Kong Limited

10:55 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. - The Workplace of the Future

The Workplace of the Future

Information Coming Soon.

Khairul Nizam - Chief Executive Officer, Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA)

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Achieving Success in Remote Sales

Alan Ng, CEO & Co-Founder,

Love or hate it, as more and more prospects and clients become accustomed to meeting with you virtually, it seems remote sales is the new norm that is here to stay. While the fundamentals remain the same, Alan will be highlighting some of the differences and things to take note of to gain and maintain success in this new virtual world. 

12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Break

2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. - Digital upskilling – the necessary skills for new and existing agents in a post COVID world

When COVID-19 struck almost overnight, it forced society to change. At the height of the pandemic, everything had to be digitized. Digital skills will be as essential as language skills in the post-pandemic world. All organisation and executives talked about accelerating digital transformation.  Agents and brokers themselves realized the benefits of using digital channels and technology to improve the sales process. The relationship between agent and customer remains a strength, but the interaction and medium at the point-of-sales have changed. Upskilling and reskilling are crucial and unavoidable.

Sabrina Ong - Head of Manulife Business Academy, Manulife Asia

3:20 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. - Winning Sales with Your Voice

Winning Sales with Your Voice

As an insurance agent, your voice is critical in building trust and establishing credibility with your potential clients. Unfortunately, for most insurance agents, voice is the least developed tool. In this interactive, practical and fun session, Cynthia will help you discover your confident, credible and convincing voice so as to make your voice work for you in building rapport with your prospects, establishing trust with your prospects and inspiring your prospects to take action.

Cynthia Zhai - Professional Speaker (CSP), TEDx Speaker, Best-Selling Author, & Voice Coach, Full Voice Consulting

4:10 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Getting Your Sh*t Together In This Chaos

If there's one thing to learn in the past 1 year, it's to respond, not react. Matthew will be sharing on how he has been managing his team of nearly 100 advisors in the last year, focusing on the most recent Phase 2 Heightened Alert.

In the short turnaround since the announcement of Phase 2 Heightened Alert state of emergency, Matthew and his fellow leaders devised a four-week bootcamp to keep his team engaged and effective. Understand the mindsets and processes behind an Executive Director of Financial Services, that resulted in an 87% increase of MDRT Qualifiers in 2020... despite the pandemic!

Matthew Chew - Executive Director of Financial Services, Advisors Alliance Group, AIAFA

Friday, July 9, 2021

10:00 a.m. - 10:05 a.m. - Welcome Back

10:05 a.m. - 10:55 a.m. - COVID-19 and Life Insurance Customer Experience

The life insurance industry was not immune to the significant changes the COVID-19 pandemic forced on the manner in which companies conduct their business. While many aspects of the life business were forced to adapt, of particular interest is how the pandemic influenced the customer experience. In this presentation, LIMRA’s Todd Silverhart will highlight findings from research examining the experiences across the customer journey for individuals who purchased and managed life policies after the onset of the pandemic. In addition, insights from industry executives related to the impact of the pandemic will be discussed.

Todd A. Silverhart, Ph.D., LLIF - Corporate Vice President and Director, Research Quality & Markets Research, LIMRA and LOMA

10:55 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. - Social Media – Amplifying your Offline Influence

Social Media – Amplifying your Offline Influence

Social media helps in personal branding and branding only works when it’s authentic and honest. In short, you can’t brand what you don’t have. Prepare to roll your sleeves as Joyce brings you step-by-step to find and build your offline influence, before you upload and amplify it.

Joyce Chan - Associate Financial Services Manager, Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

11:45 a.m. - 12:35 p.m. - Why Ecosystems are Driving Digital Transformation

Why Ecosystems are Driving Digital Transformation

The digital maturity of business has been key to thrive during the covid-19 crisis. Where would we be if the pandemic hit when we did not have the digital support to work from anywhere? To seamlessly connect to the partners in our ecosystem? Going forward, we’ll see digital transformation accelerate and focus on building stronger, more inclusive ecosystems: a challenge for all parties involved. During this session we’ll explore solutions and best practices leading to open and innovative ecosystems.

Anita Lettink - Advisor, Future of Work Speaker & Founder of

12:35 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Break

2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. - Thriving in the New Normal

Join Colin as he shares his views on the New Normal, including how to thrive in areas such as:

  • The Tendencies Model - A Sales, Team Building, Selection & Recruitment Tool
  • The Digital Transformation - Sales Presentation, Networking Events & Recruitment Interviews
  • The Financial Services Franchise
  • Engaging In Non-Negotiable Activities For Sales & For Mega Agency Building
  • Mega Agency Culture, Structure & Vision

Colin Ong - Founder, Advisors Clique and Executive Senior Director, Great Eastern Financial Advisers

3:20 p.m. - 4:10 p.m. - Accelerate your Transformation and Drive Growth Through Company Culture

Culture makes or breaks strategy.  Studies have shown that while companies with poor people & company management protocol see as much as 80% of their transformation projects fail, companies with a healthy culture see as much as 4X more revenue growth compared to companies that do not manage their culture well.  Attendees to this session will learn how to better leverage culture to deliver seamless execution and agility, while also gaining a better understanding on how to:
• Use Culture to Attract, Retain And Motivate Talent
• Delight Customers By Having Delighted Employees (Great EX Drives Great CX)
• Improve Collaboration/Agility To Drive Efficiency & Effectiveness
• Shift Mindsets To Speed Up Technology Adoption

Christoffer Erichsen - CEO, Human Inc

4:10 p.m. - 4:55 p.m. - Building Your Business in the Changing Environment

John Baier, GAMA International’s 2013 Hall of Fame Inductee, will share personal case study experiences and best practices for successful agent retention and productivity results. Based on his industry-renowned 25 Point System, he will share his approach for strategic planning (from tracking daily activity to setting a long range vision), as well as how this planning technique has vastly improved with mobile technology. John will also share insights on why most goal setting fails and methods to avoid common traps – for both new and veteran advisors.

John T. Baier - GAMA International's 2013 Hall of Fame Inductee, & Co-Founder and Chairman, 25 Points Systems Inc.

4:55 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Wrap Up