2016 Regulatory Compliance Exchange Agenda

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. - REGISTRATION

1:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. - WELCOME

1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. - GENERAL SESSION 1: KEYNOTE SPEAKER

Soar 2 Success As a Leader

Drawing on her real life experiences as a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter pilot, Elizabeth uses humor to share the leadership lessons learned from flying a helicopter to today’s business and life. You will be inspired to soar, and learn techniques to

  • Improve your focus to achieve goals no matter what is happening around you
  • Apply a concise formula of leadership principles to elevate your influence
  • Lead from where you are, guiding others to climb to a higher level of success

Elizabeth McCormick - Motivational Leadership Success Speaker

Constellation A/B

2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - REFRESHMENT BREAK

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: CONCURRENT SESSIONS

1.1 Hot Topics in Advertising Review
TED NEWTON, AIRC, Assistant Vice President, Advertising Review, MassMutual 
DOMINIC RUSSO, Director, Insurance & Advertising Compliance, Penn Mutual

How will your advertising be impacted by the DOL's fiduciary rule, changes to FINRA Rule 2210, and requirements for websites to link to BrokerCheck? And how can we effectively address the advertising issues presented by an increasingly digital and multicultural world? Our panel of experienced advertising compliance professionals will tackle these topics and more - including your questions - from insurance and broker/dealer perspectives.


1.2 Financial Abuse: Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Customers
JOE D’ALESSIO, Director, U.S. Insurance Compliance, John Hancock Financial Services
CHAD HENDERSON, Director, Compliance, Prudential Financial
Moderator: CAROL STILLWELL, ACS, PCS, Director of Supervision, Northwestern Mutual

Identifying and stopping financial abuse of seniors and those with diminished capacity is important to all of us. Join us for an interactive discussion of how insurance companies are addressing this risk. We’ll discuss:

  • What financial abuse is,
  • What insurance companies are doing to identify and address it, and
  • What our regulators expect.

Constellation A/B

1.3 Strategies to Combat Fraud
REINALDO CARVAJAL, Director, Special Investigative Unit, Genworth Financial
RICK MATARANTE, Assistant Vice President, Special Investigations Unit, New York Life
Moderator: GARWAY A.D. BRIGHT, CLTC, Compliance Leader, Sales, Product & Marketing, Genworth Financial

Fighting costly fraud continues to be an important issue for insurance companies and regulators alike. Does your company have an effective plan? Are you leveraging technology to help combat fraud in a tight resource environment? Attend this session to learn about the latest trends in fraud and hear how some companies are leveraging their compliance programs and Special Investigative Unit (SIU) to more effectively detect, investigate, monitor, and report suspected fraud.


1.4 Annual Suitability Reports to Senior Management
HILLARY GRANDBOIS-GOECKE, Director, Suitability/Compliance, Sammons Financial Group
JEFF GROSS, Assistant Chief Enforcement Officer, Maryland Insurance Division
WANITA KILCOLLINS, Assistant Vice President of Suitability, American Equity
Moderator: ALEX HOLLOMAN, III, AIRC, ALMI, Compliance Director, Athene Annuity

The NAIC Suitability in Annuity Transactions Model Regulation requires insurers to provide a report annually to senior management. The report must detail a review which is reasonably designed to determine the effectiveness of the company’s annuity suitability review system. We will learn how a company develops their report and the effect that the letter from the Iowa Insurance Division had on the design of their report.


3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - REFRESHMENT BREAK

3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.: CONCURRENT SESSIONS

2.1 - Session Cancelled

2.2 Session Moved to 3.3 Timeslot

2.3 Session Moved to 5.4 Timeslot

GENERAL SESSION: DOL Definition of Fiduciary Rule: Ready or Not, Here It Comes
CHRISTIE CORADO, ESQ., Senior Vice President, Associate General Counsel, Legal & Compliance, Crump Life Insurance Services
LOUIS DEMPSEY, CRCP, CSCP, President, Renaissance Regulatory Services, Inc.
JOSH WINSLOW, J.D., Assistant Vice President, Associated Counsel, Advanced Markets, John Hancock Life Insurance Company
Moderator: JIM ODLAND, J.D., Vice President and Managing Counsel, Thrivent Financial

Insurance carriers and financial advisors have started to prepare for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) requirements, which are currently drafted to curb conflicts of interest in the retirement advice marketplace. When this conference is held, the rule may already be impacting the way we do business. How will this rule impact life insurance and annuity products? How will your firm adjust and adapt to it? What role will Compliance play? Join the ongoing conversation about this rule and what it will mean for compliance and the industry.

Constellation A/B

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - WELCOME RECEPTION

Thursday, March 31, 2016

7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - REGISTRATION


7:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - BREAKFAST

8:00 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. - WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS

8:10 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - GENERAL SESSION 2

Disruption Is Inevitable. How Will You Respond?

Bob Kerzner will discuss disruptive trends in the financial services industry, and explore the ways that recent and pending regulation and legislation may impact the industry and its ability to help Americans achieve financial security.

Robert A. Kerzner, CLU®, ChFC® - President and Chief Executive Officer, LIMRA, LOMA, and LL Global, Inc.

Constellation A/B

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - GENERAL SESSION 3

Regulatory Update

This panel of state and federal regulators will answer questions about the current regulatory environment. Please pre-submit your questions for a wide-ranging discussion of issues by emailing LIMRA’s Stephen Selby at sselby@limra.com.

J. Mark Iwry - Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Retirement and Health Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury

Lawrence Kosciulek - Director, Regulatory Policy Department, FINRA

Al Redmer, Jr. - Maryland Insurance Commissioner, Maryland Insurance Administration

Constellation A/B

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - REFRESHMENT BREAK

10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: CONCURRENT SESSIONS

3.1 Going Digital: Electronic Signatures and Authentication
BRIAN T. CASEY, ESQ., Partner, Co-Chair of Regulatory & Transactional Insurance Practice Group, Locke Lord LLP

Electronic signatures have become a widely accepted business practice, but do the processes in your company meet the criteria for legally binding signatures? It’s not all about technology, nor is it all about signatures as electronic delivery and record retention are also key ingredients for an end-to-end electronic fulfillment process. The customer authentication process remains a vital aspect of any e-signature strategy. Brian Casey will share his expertise on e-signatures and e-delivery to help your organization routinely, effectively, and legally use electronic signatures in today’s digital world.

Chesapeake A/B

3.2 Insurance and Securities Litigation Trends
 PETER BADO, Chief Legal Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Thrivent Financial
RICHARD CHOI, J.D., Shareholder, Carlton Fields Jorden Burt LLP
Moderator: CHRISTOPHER OSBORNE, Vice President, Enterprise Supervision, Thrivent Financial

Compliance professionals are crucial to ensuring financial services firms are adequately prepared for litigation. Unfortunately, resources are limited and the world is changing at a faster pace than ever. Attend this session to review major trends in financial services litigation, gain insight to the products and practices most vulnerable to litigation, and hear the arguments used by plaintiffs’ attorneys. You will come away with a clearer understanding of how to better allocate resources in preparation for eventual arbitration and lawsuits.

Constellation A/B

3.3 Independent Distribution Compliance: Enlightening or Frightening?
ZAC ANSHUTZ, Chief Compliance Officer, Advisors Excel
JOY DAWE, Director of Compliance, Crump Life Insurance Services, Inc.
HILLARY GRANDBOIS-GOECKE, Director, Suitability/Compliance, Sammons Financial Group
Moderator: LINDA BURM, Chief Distribution Compliance Officer, Allianz Life

Each distribution channel your company uses brings its own benefits and challenges. When engaging an Independent Marketing Organization (IMO), what do you really know about the individual presenting your company’s products to prospective clients? In this session, compliance executives from IMOs will share enlightening — not frightening — insights on their compliance practices so you can sleep better at night.


    3.4 Preserving Ethics and Integrity in Our Industry: Investigating Violations of Insurers’ Codes of Conduct
    GINA CRISTALLO, Corporate Vice President, New York Life
    ELLEN RAWSON,  Vice President & Senior Counsel, MassMutual
    JEFFREY SCHLOEMER, CRCP, Director, Enterprise Compliance, Northwestern Mutual 
    Moderator:BRIAN LOUTREL, CIA, CFSA, Vice President, New York Life

    What do you do when your employees and agents violate your firm’s code of conduct? Three industry experts will provide you with tools and techniques that ensure an effective investigation takes place. Attend this workshop to:

    • Learn critical investigation techniques, including different techniques for investigating employee and agent violations
    • See the role that ethics hotlines play in the investigation process
    • Hear about Compliance’s oversight role in code of conduct violation investigations


    11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - LUNCHEON


    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: CONCURRENT SESSIONS

    4.1 Compliance Risk Assessments: Let’s Play a Game
    GENE CAUTILLO, Vice President, Compliance, Prudential
    Moderator:SEAN REGAN, Vice President, Compliance, Prudential

    A solid Compliance Risk Assessment (CRA) process is the cornerstone of an effective compliance program. Whether you are a CRA expert or newbie from a company big or small, join us to play (or observe) this informative CRA knowledge game. We will cover several key topics including:

    • CRA steps/phases
    • Triggering events that require you to evaluate risk
    • Control types

    Constellation E

    4.2 Clearing the Smoke: Medical Marijuana Compliance Going Forward
    MARK C. BIREN, Senior Vice President, New York Life
    STEVE FOX, ESQ., Co-Founder & Strategic Advisor, National Cannabis Industry Association
    MARSHA HUNT, Senior Liaison Officer, U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes, Enforcement Network, FinCEN
    ANTHONY MASELLA, Corporate Vice President, New York Life
    Moderator: BRIAN LOUTREL, CIA, CFSA, Vice President, New York Life

    Nearly half of states have legalized marijuana for medical use. But financial institutions have been reluctant to accept customers involved in this industry. Why?

    • Gain an understanding of the underlying federal and state laws complicating this issue.
    • Hear from regulatory, cannabis industry, and insurance sales and compliance experts on the current status of the medical marijuana industry.
    • Learn about the evolution of federal law and banking regulation that may eventually permit financial institutions to accept customers from the medical marijuana industry.

    Constellation C

    4.3 F ind the Gaps and Close Them!
    MATHEW CLEGG, AIRC, Compliance Officer, Amica Life
    ROY CREEDON, Compliance Assistant Vice President, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
    Moderator: ANITA KNIERY, Compliance Sr. Division Manager, Allstate

    Do you want an effective risk based compliance testing and monitoring program? Join us for an interactive conversation with a perspective of a small company as well as large company.

    • Learn the key concepts of a sound-monitoring program
    • What to do with the results
    • Impact and collaboration with the business units
    • Challenges and best practices

    Constellation A/B

    4.4 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Multi-State Exams But Were Afraid to Ask!
    CAROL CROSSON, Senior Project Manager, Market Conduct & Compliance Dept., Guardian Life
    MICHELE JORDAN, Senior Compliance Consultant, John Hancock

    Has your company received a multi-state exam (MSE) notice from a lead state? If not, it may soon as these exams become more commonplace. This session will provide practical information you can use to anticipate, prepare for, and survive an MSE, including: 

    • The NAIC Multi-state Examination Framework and how it is resulting in more MSEs
    • How lead and participating states are selected
    • How the exam is coordinated and conducted
    • The results and benefits of MSEs
    • How you can use the NAIC examination framework to your advantage

    Constellation D

    2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. - BREAK

    2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - SPEED LEARNING

    Here’s your opportunity to discuss topics and benchmark your practices with peers and industry experts in a fast-paced roundtable format. Change tables every 15 minutes to discuss topics including:

    • AML/OFAC
    • New to compliance
    • Unclaimed property
    • Social media
    • Onboarding, training and development
    • Best practices/talking to regulators
    • Delivering compliance training
    • FCRA/Background checks
    • State issues — Regulatory changes


    3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - REFRESHMENT BREAK

    3:45 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.: CONCURRENT SESSIONS

    5.1 Cybersecurity: Regulatory Trends & Expectations
    HENRY FU, MBA, CRISC, CRMA, CIA, CISA, CISM, FLMI, Director, ERM, Fidelity and Guaranty Life Insurance Company
    MARY JANE WILSON-BILIK, J.D., Ph.D., Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan

    Cybersecurity is no longer the exclusive domain of IT professionals. As cybersecurity incidents become more frequent, regulators have ratcheted up their efforts to tackle cybersecurity issues head on.  Attendees of this workshop will gain insight into:

    • Holistic view of cybersecurity and the challenges and concerns from an Enterprise Risk Management perspective
    • Coordination of IT and Compliance to protect an organization's most valuable assets
    • Recent cybersecurity regulatory activity at the federal, NAIC, and state levels
    • The NAIC Guiding Principles for Cybersecurity and the Consumer Cybersecurity Bill of Rights
    • How you can help your company comply with regulatory expectations and prepare for future cybersecurity targeted exams

    Constellation D

    5.2 Predict to Prevent
    David Silverstein, President and CEO, BMGI

    Compliance is inherently a look in the rear view mirror.  Where did market conduct issues arise in the past, what new rules have been put in place to prevent these events from happening again and how do we ensure the rules are followed?  Necessary...of course.  Thankless...you bet!  But what if things could be different?  What if we could recognize bad behavior-even unintentional bad behavior-before anyone got hurt?  That's the holy grail of predictive analytics.  During this session, strategy and innovation consultant David Silverstein will talk about the trends and technologies that are making it possible.

    Constellation A/B

    5.3 “How Do You Do That?” Small Company Compliance
    MATHEW CLEGG, AIRC, Compliance Officer, Amica Life Insurance
    BARBARA FITCH, CFE, CLU, FLMI, AIRC, ACS, AIAA, Chief Compliance Officer, Life & Annuity National Life Group

    Join our panelists for a group discussion by Compliance personnel from small life insurance companies, broker-dealers, and subsidiaries of larger companies. You’ll hear how panelists are meeting the competing demands of increasing responsibilities and shrinking resources. You will also see how your practices compare to peers’ with an anonymous real-time electronic polling system.

    Constellation E

    5.4 Compliance Teamwork - March Madness or Happiness?
    Lisa Cooper, FMLI, AIRC, CCP, MCM, Compliance Director, Nationwide
    Amy Mulligan-Capocci, Assistant Vice President, John Hancock
    Carol Stilwell, ACS, PCS, Director of Supervision, Northwestern Mutual

    Compliance and Operations can have a complicated relationship. For example, many compliance issues have operational components. Operations sometimes drives Compliance decisions. Some companies have specific operations compliance, while others do not. Hear our panel discuss challenges related to operational compliance and share best practices that you can take back to your companies. Learn how to bring compliance to Operations and create of culture of compliance there.

    Constellation D

    Friday, April 1, 2016

    7:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - BREAKFAST

    8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - GENERAL SESSION 4

    Global Connections and Future Directions

    In our increasingly globally industry, what happens in other countries is having a greater impact on us here at home. Larry Hartshorn will share his perspective on industry issues and trends around the world, and discuss how these insights inform what is happening in the U.S. today - and how we can prepare for what the future might hold.

    Larry Hartshorn - Corporate Vice President and Director, International Research and Member Engagement, LIMRA and LOMA

    Constellation A/B

    9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - GENERAL SESSION 5

    The Political Climate and Its Impact on Regulatory Trends

    Regulations are continually updated based on observed market conditions, customer experiences, evolving legal and regulatory theory, and industry feedback — as well as the political climate. This session will shed light on the complex set of conversations between our industry and those setting public policy and how these conversations might indicate future changes in the regulatory landscape.

    Scott Eckel - Vice President of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Charles Schwab

    Constellation A/B

    10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - REFRESHMENT BREAK AND EXHIBITOR RAFFLE

    10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - GENERAL SESSION 6

    Cyber Security in Financial Services

    We are now in an environment that it is a matter of when, not if, your company will experience a cybersecurity breach.  When this occurs, will your organization be prepared to mitigate a breach and its impact?   With over 20 years of experience in cyber security risk management, incident response and regulatory compliance, Mr. Hetner will address and discuss cyber security in the financial services industry including:

    • Highlighting cybersecurity threats that are impacting the markets
    • Essential capabilities and capacities companies are developing to improve cyber preparedness
    • Risk mitigation and incident response

    Christopher Hetner - Cybersecurity Lead, Technology Controls Program
    Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations , U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

    Constellation A/B

    11:30 a.m. - CONFERENCE ADJOURNS