2018 Supplemental Health, DI & LTC Conference Agenda

Monday, August 6, 2018

1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Meet and Greet

2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. - General Session 1

Exciting New Medical Frontiers: Are You Prepared?

Join us for this important exercise – Utilizing a 5-10 year horizon, we will identify the top trends in medicine which are predicted to have a transformative impact on our industry.  Each trend will be viewed through the lens of separating promise from reality and exploring how each trend might impact the broader life and health insurance industry.

Dave Rengachary, M.D. - Senior Vice President and Head of Underwriting, U.S. Mortality Markets, RGA Reinsurance Company

3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Break

3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

1.1 Accident and Critical Illness Survey Results and Trends Analysis
Erin Marino, Senior Director, Research and Marketing, Eastbridge Consulting Group
Stephen Rowley, Vice President and Senior Account Executive, GenRe
Moderator: Joseph Refano, Accident and Health Product Director, MetLife

Increase your overall knowledge of how the supplemental health industry is trending with an informative session hosted by Eastbridge and GenRe on Accident & Critical Illness Insurance. During this event, Eastbridge and GenRe will report out on their 2018 market survey results. Eastbridge will present on trends specific to Accident and GenRe will present on trends specific to Critical Illness. Be prepared to leave this event with a better understanding of current and future state insight from carriers that are actively marketing these products, including those companies exploring it as a new product offering as well.

1.2 Turning Thoughts into Solutions
James Wieselman Schulman, Senior Design Consultant, Innovation COE, Cigna
Facilitators: Julie Pohjola, Senior Product Manager, Group Supplemental Solutions, Cigna; Stephanie Turgeon, Manager, Group Project Development, Aflac; Susan Wagner, Assistant Vice President Worksite and Institutional Insurance Innovation and Pricing, MassMutual

Customer centered solutions are the foundation of this session.  Empathy for your customers and surfacing insights to create products and services that they want and need is the heart of design thinking. During this highly interactive session, participants will be introduced to the basics of design thinking and apply learnings within small groups focusing on supplemental health products. This session is limited to the first 40 registrants.

1.3 Consumer Attitudes & Product Solutions – LTC Buzz Group
Abigail Bisi, Innovation Strategist, Maddock Douglas
Brian Ulery, FSA, MAAA, Principal Consulting Actuary, LTCG
Luisa Uriarte, Executive Vice President and Managing Partner, Maddock Douglas

In this interactive group buzz session, hear from experts in current consumer attitudes about financial services, insurance and LTC. Brainstorm on potential solutions in a buzz group format.

1.4 The DI Pendulum - Backwards or Forwards?
Kathleen Coughlin, Chief Underwriter, U.S. Insurance Operations, DI New Business, MassMutual
Steve Stribling, FSA, MAAA, Vice President, Product Development, Northwestern Mutual
Moderator: Peter Braun, FSA, MAAA, Actuary, Northwestern Mutual

This session will feature an historical overview of the DI cycles of the past – from expansion to contraction, from profitable to unprofitable.  What makes this product line so susceptible to these trends?  And as an industry, are we heading in the right direction or repeating the mistakes of the past?

5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Welcome Cookout

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Breakfast

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - General Session 2

My Brain Has A Hole In It

Gordon Viggiano was a successful entrepreneur and businessman with a loving spouse and two beautiful children. He worked hard, saved for the future, and took good care of himself and his family. On his 51st birthday Gordon suffered a massive stroke that nearly killed him. With no warning signs or risk factors, this life changing event set him on a course he never could have predicted or imagined. He will recount his journey of recovery and bring inspiration to all of us as we face dramatic challenges in our lives. Having Disability Insurance has been a significant factor in Gordon’s recovery story. Gordon’s wife Jill, a self-proclaimed “Disability Insurance Evangelist” will also speak, telling their insurance story and explaining the enormous impact disability coverage has had on recovery, their kids, and their life today.

Gordon Viggiano - My Brain LLC

Jill Viggiano - My Brain LLC

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Break

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.:

2.1 Supplemental Health Benefits 101
Bill Bade, FSA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary, Milliman
Stephen Rowley, Vice President and Senior Account Executive, Gen Re

New to Supplemental Health Benefits? Then this is the session for you. We’ll get you started on the right foot with an overview of the basics you need to know about Critical Illness, Accident and Hospital Indemnity Insurance.

2.2 Supplemental Health Take-overs: Friend or Foe?
Joseph Refano, Accident and Health Product Director, Group Benefits, MetLife
Stephanie Turgeon, Manager, Group Product Development, Aflac

Join this interactive workshop to discuss the process and challenges that carriers face around take-overs. You will have the opportunity to hear your peers talk about product design, regulatory provisions, pricing and commissions. Be prepared to walk away with a better understanding of what carriers are doing for Supplemental Health when it comes to take-overs. 

2.3 Getting Started with Accelerated Benefit Riders
Denise Liston, Senior Vice President, LTCG
Moderator: John Timmerberg, ASA, MAAA, Consultant, Accelerated Actuarial

This session will introduce accelerated benefit riders on life insurance.  These combination products are one of the fastest growing segments of the insurance industry.  We will cover three rider types, three rider structures and rider features.  We will include how these riders function on the various base life product types.  We will discuss underwriting and claims management, including a comparison with traditional LTCI. 

2.4 Emerging Trends in LTC Care Delivery
Matt Capell, Senior Vice President, Provider Solutions, LTCG
Grace Nogueira, Senior Vice President, Claims, LTCG
Eric Widen, CEO and Co-founder of HBI Solutions, Inc.

This session will explore the evolution of care delivery and the growing support surrounding aging in place. It will provide an overview of some of the latest changes that are being seen in the industry, and focus on  “disruption” and how “innovative” business models in the care delivery system have the power to change the business performance curve and reshape the market, while allowing seniors to age in place; specifically the adoption of machine learning that is an automated method that applies complex mathematical calculations to large data sets to identify patterns and correlations to assist in decision making.  Machine learning holds the promise to assist actuaries and underwriters to more accurately and more efficiently assess policy risk and set premium price.

2.5 Consumer Understanding of Disability Insurance
Kimberly Landry, Assistant Research Director, Workplace Benefits Research, LIMRA
Moderator: Richard Dixon, Assistant Vice President, Underwriting Service, Munich Re

Many consumers feel that they do not need disability insurance coverage, despite being ill-prepared for the financial consequences of a disability. How well do people understand this product and the likelihood of needing it? How would they approach paying living expenses if they became disabled? In this session, hear the results of recent LIMRA research that explored these issues. Then, break into groups to discuss possible solutions to the question, “How can we improve consumers’ understanding?”

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Break

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

3.1 Affordable Care Act - Operating Through the Unknown of the ACA
Greg Fann, FSA, FCA, MAAA, Senior Consulting Actuary, Axene Health Partners
Denny Weinberg, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Hixme Insurance Solutions
Moderator: Dustin Tindall, FSA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary, Axene Health Partners

The Affordable Care Act continues to be a factor in the Supplemental Health Insurance space. Join us for a discussion of how employer options are changing, how to plan as a carrier for the unknown, and how to shift appropriately when modifications occur. This session will discuss how to be proactive rather than reactive when navigating through the legislative changes that may arise.

3.2 Back by Popular Demand – Underwrite This! A Critical Illness, Accident & Hospital Indemnity Case Study Workshop
Bret Fredericksen, Director, Underwriting Select Benefits, Symetra
Mary Johnson, Senior Marketing Underwriter, RGA Reinsurance Group
Moderator: Michelle Haines, ASA, MAAA, Associate Actuary, U.S. Group Reinsurance, RGA Reinsurance Company

Join us for an interactive look at some actual critical illness, accident and hospital indemnity cases in the group market.

3.3 Policyholder Options for LTC Rate Increase
Ralph Donato, Senior Consultant, LTCG
Nick Sheahon, Actuary, Genworth

Insurers are providing more and more options for policyholders to reduce/change benefits in lieu of rate increases. This session will explore these options from an actuarial perspective. The new actuarial guideline calls for more transparency. How will benefit options factor in this documentation? Rate increases will continue for years to come so communication with all of the stakeholders including regulators, policyholders, shareholders, etc will be critical.

3.4 Claims and Underwriting from a Critical Thinking Perspective
Jody Elmore, HIA, DHP, LTCP, HCAFA, Senior LB Risk Management Consultant, Munich Re
Karen Rugg, Second Vice President, Disability Underwriting, Berkshire Life
Moderator: Richard Dixon, Assistant Vice President, Underwriting Services, Munich Re

Join us to review some DI claims stories and then venture back to the original underwriting. We will apply critical thinking to develop a current perspective. We encourage all participants to join in the conversation.

3.5 InsureTech and Innovation: Application to Living Benefit Products
Jim Filmore, FSA, MAAA, Vice President and Actuary, Munich Re
Steve Woods, Vice President, Senior Account Executive Group and Specialty Reinsurance, Gen Re
Moderator: Stephen Boyd, ASA, MAAA, Actuarial Associate, Mutual of Omaha

There is a great buzz today about InsureTech.  Most insurance companies state that they are or want to be innovative.  However, it can sometimes be challenging to find real examples of innovations especially those that can be applied to living benefit products.  In this session, our presenters will delve deeper into these topics to give us examples of innovations that already are occurring or have a great deal of potential in being applied to issuance or ongoing management of living benefit products.

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Lunch

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

4.1 Bet Your Competition Always (or Never) Does This! Agent Truths in 2018
Stephen Rowley, Vice President and Senior Account Executive, Gen Re
Moderator: Ashlee Borcan, FSA, MAAA, Principal and consulting Actuary, Milliman

Supplemental health carriers are often told by their producers that all their competitors do (or don’t) do something.  Carriers will submit topics in advance and the audience will vote to describe as "very, very hugely true", an "alternative truth" or "fake news".

4.2 To Package or Not to Package: Supplemental Health Combo Products
Jennifer Howard, FSA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary, Milliman
Richard Kendrick, Sales Manager, Aflac
Moderator: Richard Schaefer, FSA, MAAA, Chief Actuary, Allstate Benefits

Come hear this panel made up of product/actuarial design and sales leaders discuss pros and cons of combining hospital indemnity, critical illness and accident products.  The panel will discuss packaging in general, filing as one product and marketing bundles.

4.3 The State of Combination Products - LIMRA/EY Surveys
Linda Chow, FSA, MAAA, Senior Manager, Insurance and Actuarial Advisory Services, EY
Elaine Tumicki, Corporate Vice President, Insurance Research - Product, LIMRA

Seven in 10 consumers feel that most people need long-term care insurance, yet individual long-term care insurance sales are deteriorating. However, sales of individual combination products have grown in recent years. Could they be the answer? This session will uncover the current and future environment for combination products, and explore product features currently available. Could some new thinking address an old problem? Our findings are based on a recently completed study conducted jointly by LIMRA and EY.

4.4 LTC Litigation
Josh Akbar, General Counsel, Long Term Care, Genworth
Jeremy F. Heinnickel, Associate, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Sandra Jones, Associate, Drinker Biddle & Reath
Moderator: Aaron Ball, FSA, MAAA, Vice President and LTC Business Leader, New York Life

This session will explore recent claim litigation and rate increase litigation cases related to LTC.  Legal experts will describe key aspects and outcomes and most importantly, lessons learned.

4.5 Alternative Distribution Experiments DI’s Break from Tradition
Chrisann Funk, DI Product Director, Principal Financial
Steve Tisi, Project Manager, LifePreserve

As buying behaviors change, see the different responses occurring in the industry.

2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Break

2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.:

5.1 Consumer Perspective on Supplemental Health
Bryan Burke, Head of Worksite Products and Marketing, Sun Life Financial
Ashley Flynn, APRN (Nurse Practitioner), Pediatric Oncology
Kamran Malik, Consulting Actuary, Wakely Actuarial

The audience will hear true life stories from a cancer survivor and how critical illness products would have helped during financial hardship.

5.2 Health Insurance with a Side of Health Insurance
Greg Fann, FSA, FCA, MAAA, Senior Consulting Actuary, Axene Health Partners
Dustin Tindall, FSA, MAAA, Consulting Actuary, Axene Health Partners
Denny Weinberg, Chief Executive Officer, Hixme Insurance Solutions, Inc.
Moderator: Jack Norby, FSA, MAAA, Director and Actuary, Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions

As cost sharing for medical insurance increases, there is a growing trend to seek additional coverage through supplemental health policies. Conceptually, this makes sense, but how well has it worked in practice? This session will explore the application of combining medical and supplement health products – the decisions to be made and the challenges to be overcome – from both an actuarial and sales perspective. The latest market activity and modeling techniques will also be discussed.

5.3 The Nuts and Bolts of Short Term Care
Gail Mitchell, Vice President, Underwriting, Bankers Life
Lindsey Murray, Director, Actuarial Individual Products, National General Insurance
Sanja Zehnder, Managing Actuary, Bankers Life

The speakers will provide an overview of Short Term Care, including design, pricing, and regulatory issues, give an overview of how it compares to Long Term Care from an underwriting perspective, and discuss the issues a company might consider if looking to enter the Short Term Care market today.

5.4 Accelerated Underwriting
Paul O'Keefe, Vice President, AURA Business Development, RGA
Michael Reeves, Vice President, Partnership Solutions, Hannover Re
Stacy Steuart, Strategic Product Owner, Data Products, ExamOne
Moderator: Winona Berdine, Vice President, Business Development U.S. Individual Health, RGA

With Accelerated Underwriting, the “future is now” as companies and systems apply and analyze predictive analytics, real time medical data and other new forms of evidence to underwrite and potentially issue policies more quickly and perhaps at a lesser cost.  How does it work?  How can advancements in other insurance lines be applied to LTCI and Combo products underwriting?  Join this session to learn more about this cutting-edge underwriting process from Reinsurers and service providers.

5.5 DI Regulatory Update: Bumps in the Road
David Steinbrunner, ASA, MAAA, Assistant Actuary and GSI Underwwriter, Product Development - Disability Income, Ameritas

Don't get caught driving in the dark without your lights on. Connect with your peers and industry experts as we shed light on issues impacting the disability income industry, so you can avoid any unexpected bumps in the road.

3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Break

4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions

6.1 Supplemental Hot Topics – Let’s Buzz!
Moderators: Ashlee Borcan, FSA, MAAA, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman; Steve Keck, Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary, Life Insurance Company of Alabama; Richard Schaefer, FSA, MAAA, Chief Actuary, Allstate Benefits, Susan Wagner, Assistant Vice President, Worksite & Institutional Insurance Innovation and Pricing, MassMutual; Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA, Staff Fellow, Health, Society of Actuaries

In this session, attendees will break into small groups to discuss current events, challenges, and opportunities in the supplemental health industry.

6.2 Real-time Quote-to-Enrollment Technology
Garrett Viggers, Co-founder, Senior Enterprise Sales & Strategy Executive, Limelight Health
Moderator: Michelle Haines, ASA, MAAA, Associate Actuary, U.S. Group Reinsurance, RGA Reinsurance Company

Join this session and conversation to understand how technology can drive an efficient and compelling point of sale with the employer to an online enrollment experience with employees. Discover how quote-to-enrollment integrations can help us cross the bridge from a paper to digital enrollment experience.

6.3 LTC Claims Fraud – Investigator’s Perspective
Paul Marquez, Manager, Diligence International Group, LLC
Eva V. Portillo, Director, Business Development & Account Management, Archangel Investigations & Protection, Inc.
Moderator: Valerie Besserman, CVP, Claims, New York Life

This session will present several examples of recent fraud cases.  Investigators will describe how the case was first identified as suspicious, what investigative steps were performed, the key findings and the resulting actions taken.

6.4 IDI Hot Topics
Moderators: Karen Rugg, Second Vice President, Disability Underwriting, Berkshire Life; Kathleen Coughlin, Chief DI Underwriter, MassMutual

Please attend this open forum to discuss what’s trending in IDI underwriting.  Bring your hot topic. Share your experience and learn from one another in this fully interactive session.

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. - Pool Deck Reception

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Concurrent Sessions


7.1 Actuarial Professionalism: Order in the Court! (Special Breakfast Session)
Ashlee Borcan, FSA, MAAA, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman
David Steinbrunner, ASA, MAAA, Assistant Actuary and GSI Underwriter, Product Development, Disability Income, Ameritas
Moderator: Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA, Staff Fellow, Health, Society of Actuaries

Join this interactive session featuring thought provoking case studies exploring difficult situations. Along the way, review the professionalism structure and requirements for U.S. actuaries and receive structured professionalism credit as well.

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - General Session 3

Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation – Changing the World of Insurance

Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation continue to proliferate and bring about transformation in nearly every industry and aspect of society. The insurance industry is no exception. Our presenters will help attendees understand the roles of artificial intelligence and robotic process automation in the insurance industry with examples of how these capabilities are being deployed and integrated into insurance companies’ product development, distribution, customer engagement and operations as part of their enterprise-wide technology strategy.

Deana Rhoades - Principal, Automation, Health Plan Consulting, NTT DATA Services

Karen Way - Data & Intelligence Practice Lead, Health Plan Consulting, NTT DATA Services

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Break

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: Concurrent Sessions

8.1 Supplemental Health Benefits in an Ever-Changing Regulatory Environment
Stacy Koron, J.D., CLU, FLMI, LTCP, Compliance Consultant, Milliman
Tarie Summers, Director, Voluntary Products, The Hartford
Lydia Jilek, Director, Voluntary Benefits, Willis Towers Watson

Join our session to learn about current trends and regulatory updates in supplemental health benefits, as well as a discussion with our panelists regarding the evolving regulatory environment and the potential impact on supplemental health products.

8.2 International View of LTC
Etienne Dupourque, Consultant
Robert Yee, FSA, MAAA, Director, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
Moderator: Winona Berdine, Vice President, Business Development, U.S. Individual Health, RGA

LTC insurance in the US is at a stage of production decline. This workshop provides a comparison of the LTC insurance risk factors in a number of European and Asian countries relative to lessons learned in the U.S. The audience will gain an appreciation of the private LTC insurance marketplaces, product risks and future prospects across the globe.

8.3 Robotics and Automation in Insurance Operations
Daryl Lepak, Manager, EY
Raju Saxena, Senior Manager, EY

With the rapid advancement of technology, Automation and Robotics are more than just hot topics, they are real actionable items for many industries today and will quickly become part of our day-to-day lives.  Specific to the insurance industry, we are seeing more and more companies trying to automate their operations.   In this session, the presenters will discuss case studies of companies that have gone through operational automation processes.  This session will help DI and LTC carriers think through how Automation and Robotics can be applied to their operations learning from others’ experiences.

8.4 Underwriting Trends in GSI
Derek Coburn, FSA, MAAA, Director, IDI Finance, Unum
Moderator: David Steinbrunner, ASA, MAAA, Assistant Actuary and GSI Underwwriter, Product Development - Disability Income, Ameritas

Learn about topics, trends and issues within the GSI marketplace for DI. How is distribution changing? Marketplaces? Demographics? How much risk is too much and what limits are no longer relevant? Trends for the future? Competition?

10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - Break

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.: Concurrent Sessions

9.1 Claims Painpoints from High Denial Rates (CI) Claims Perspective
Bill Bade, Consulting Actuary, Milliman
Shelly LaBarre, Team Lead, Group Insurance, Securian Life
Kevin Olberding, Assistant Vice President and Actuary, Unum
Moderator: Kristen Willey, GBDS, Senior Distribution Sales Consultant, Special Products, Workplace Solutions, Mutual of Omaha

How can the industry address the 30 percent denial rate for CI Claims? What are the challenges in understanding from a policy holder perspective and how can these be addressed in the policy language and claims submission process?

9.2 Behavioral Economics for Better Business Results
Keith Brown, CLU, ChFC, FALU, FLMI, RHU, Vice President, Chief Underwriter, Gen Re
Moderator: Kathleen Coughlin, Chief Underwriter, U.S. Insurance Operations, DI New Business, MassMutual

Take a look at a Gen Re study that focuses on application accuracy and employee engagement for worksite products. Learn how to shape applications to get the results you want.

9.3 Actuarial Professionalism: Order in the Court! (Part 2)
Ashlee Borcan, FSA, MAAA, Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman
David Steinbrunner, ASA, MAAA, Assistant Actuary and GSI Underwriter, Product Development, Disability Income, Ameritas
Moderator: Joe Wurzburger, FSA, MAAA, Staff Fellow, Health, Society of Actuaries

Join this interactive session featuring thought provoking case studies exploring difficult situations. Along the way, review the professionalism structure and requirements for U.S. actuaries and receive structured professionalism credit as well.

11:45 a.m. - Adjourn