2018戰略議題大會 Agenda

Sunday, September 16, 2018

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 歡迎招待會


Monday, September 17, 2018

7:45 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. - 咖啡 & 簽到

8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. - 歡迎及開幕致辭

Ian J. Watts - Senior Vice President and Managing Director, International Operations, LIMRA and LOMA

Kartik Sakthivel, Ph.D., MS-IT/MS-CS, MBA, PGC-IQ - Vice President & Chief Information Officer and Regional Chief Executive Officer – Asia West, LIMRA and LOMA

Hua Yang - Deputy General Manager, Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. - 開幕主旨演講:在混沌中的堅持


Dominic Ziegler - "Banyan" Columnist, The Economist

太平人壽保險有限公司 贊助

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - 茶歇

10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - 論壇:醫療創新

主持人: Maria Gil


Thomas Dijohn - Vice President Asia-Pacific, dacadoo

Scott Montgomery -

 CEO and Cofounder 

, WellteQ

Sheetal Patel, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Value, Access & Policy, Amgen

Maria Gil - Strategic Development Officer, Asia Markets, AXA

12:15 p.m. - 1:43 p.m. - 午餐

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. - 咖啡 & 簽到

8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - 歡迎復會 & 榮譽會員獎

9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 適合增長的組織變革

Very few organizations manage their costs for sustainable success. They spend money on the wrong things, or cut the wrong things for the wrong reasons, ultimately leaving them weaker and unfit to compete. Instead, organizations must think about their costs strategically, continuously cutting bad costs and redirecting resources towards good costs that build or strengthen differentiating capabilities. Using research from hundreds of companies across various sectors, Dr. Siew Chan-Cheong will share insights and best practices on how to achieve higher returns by linking growth and cost agendas.

Dr. Chan-Cheong Siew - Director, Strategy&, Part of the PwC Network

9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - 文化的重要性


Emily Woodward - Consultant, Spencer Stuart Hong Kong

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - 茶歇

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 論壇:新興市場的盈利增長

主持人: Ian Watts


Rotha Chan - AVP and Chief Agency Officer, Manulife Cambodia

Sudhin Roy Chowdhury - Former Member (Life), IRDA &
Designated Partner, First Bay Financial Advisors LLP

Clarence Wong - Chief Economist Asia, Swiss Re

Ian J. Watts - Senior Vice President and Managing Director, International Operations, LIMRA and LOMA

12:30 p.m. - 1:43 p.m. - 午餐

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1:43 p.m. - 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


Wahyu Wibowo 先生目前領導保誠大學。該機構在印尼的161個城市為超過277,000名代理和2,000名員工提供服務。 在這個關於社交和數碼學習的演講中,Wahyu 先生將分享他如何通過包括研討會、自學手冊和電子課程等多種平臺的組合來營造學習的文化氛圍。

Wahyu P. Wibowo - Managing Director, Chief Learning and Development, Prudential Life Assurance Indonesia

1:43 p.m. - 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


Life insurance regulation has typically been developed using traditional assumptions about products, distribution and customers. Yet in today’s innovative and constantly changing environment, this traditional framework now creates redundancy among some regulations. This session will consider how innovation continues to challenge insurance regulators, and what they are doing now to keep pace in an environment of change and disruption.

Jonathan Goacher - Partner, DWF LLP

1:43 p.m. - 更換會場

1:43 p.m. - 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)



Paul Jones - Regional Chief Underwriter, Asia, RGA

1:43 p.m. - 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


在21世紀之初,銀行保險不外乎銷售產品這樣單一的商業模式。而現在,銀行保險已經完全改觀,一切以客戶為中心 --- 不僅僅是誰擁有客戶,而是誰更瞭解客戶。J.K. Hong將深入探討銀行保險商業模式的深刻變化,及其最為成功的關鍵因素和最為客戶喜聞樂見的商業模式。

Dr. Jung Kee Hong - Head of Partnership (Financial Institutions) & Regional Marketing Projects, AXA Partners Asia

1:43 p.m. - 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


Speakers will share their individual perspectives and experiences in an interactive discussion that includes insights on how to:

  • Better understand insurance disruption and the potential long term impacts
  • Guard against typical myths and learn from failures – current and past
  • Implement critical success factors for sustainable success

Sutikno Sjarif - Director - Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer, Zurich Topas Life

Josafat Timotius - Chief Information and Technology Officer, PT Asuransi Jiwa Sequis Life

Mangesh Vaitla - Co-Founder and Executive Director, C2L BIZ Solutions

1:43 p.m. - 茶歇

1:43 p.m. - 保險行業:再造


Simon Phipps - Head of Asia, Global Development & Blockchain, The Digital Insurer

1:43 p.m. - 數位化,亂中取勝!

技術的進步為保險公司利用資料改善其運營、開發新產品、和有針對性地加強行銷開闢了廣闊的前景。 LIMRA和LOMA的首席資訊官Kartik Sakthivel先生對此有獨到的見解。他深入研究了數位化的轉型在保險產業的應用,他說:誰實現了數位化,誰就掌握了在未來亂中取勝的法寶。

Kartik Sakthivel, PhD, MS-IT/MS-CS, MBA, PGC-IQ - Vice President & Chief Information Officer and Regional CEO – Asia West , LIMRA and LOMA

1:43 p.m. - 海濱招待晚宴


1:43 p.m. - 在數字生態中苦苦掙扎?保險平臺可以幫到您!

新的市場壓力和新技術驅動平臺正在以創紀錄的速度重塑整個行業,迫使保險企業去適應新的數位生態系統。馬克-卡特Mark Carter將探索保險公司如何利用平臺來開發和充分利用新的生態系統,同時不斷提高效率和提供變革的經驗從而超越競爭對手。他還將提供平臺經濟學的概述,以及如何最好地與保險科技相結合,以更好地與核心業務系統提供商、資產所有者、行業協會和資料提供者相配合。

Mark W. Carter - Manager, Business Innovation, IBM Global Insurance Industry

1:43 p.m. -

Understanding where innovation is driving technology trends is key to planning for the future, and Dr. Leroy Chiao is no stranger to this world. In this thought-provoking presentation, Dr. Chiao will offer an exciting glimpse into life on the next quantum level, and share insights on a world in which technology is accelerating faster than ever before – presenting new opportunities for businesses poised to take action. Through awe-inspiring stories of his time in space and breathtaking photos, Chiao looks at what is coming around the bend and how organizations can take advantage of the next technological phase.

Leroy Chiao - Former NASA Astronaut and ISS Commander

1:43 p.m. - 休會

1:43 p.m. -


Speakers will share their individual perspectives and experiences on how current industry disruptors are impacting Strategy, Operations, IT, and Digital Transformations. They will examine why new challenges are making old strategies infeasible in this current disruptive environment, and discuss what factors can actually prevent the accrual of benefits from various digital initiatives.

Sutikno Sjarif - Director - Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer, Zurich Topas Life

Mangesh Vaitla - Co-Founder and Executive Director, C2L BIZ Solutions