Regulatory Compliance Committee
Purpose: This committee discusses and benchmarks current regulatory and compliance issues. and assists in planning and developing compliance content for the program for the conferences and webinars. Quick benchmarking surveys from and to the committee help RCC members understand industry trends and practices. In addition, this committee helps provide direction to LIMRA and LOMA on research, networking opportunities, and business solutions that have compliance and regulatory impact in the industry. Meetings: This committee meets on the second Monday of each month from noon - 1pm, eastern time, via webex. In-person meetings, during non-pandemic times, happen at LIMRA in the fall and at a LIMRA conference.
Target Membership: Compliance and legal executives responsible for regulatory compliance-related issues.
Typical Topics Discussed: Regulations, Exams, Suitability, Advertising Review, Cybersecurity, Privacy, Surveillance, Fiduciary, Best Interest, Fraud, TPSP Monitoring and Oversight, SEC, NAIC, FINRA, and other Regulatory Bodies.
Please contact your Member Relations Director for more information.