Who Attends
The LIMRA Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of senior executives representing diverse sectors of the financial services industry. Our members and partners come together for strategic industry insights and high-level networking — a must-attend for executives seeking to champion the promise and realize the potential.
We believe without question that the financial services industry serves a noble purpose. Industry professionals often tell emotional stories of helping an older couple retire, or providing financial security for a family following the death of a loved one. We witness the positive impact that our products have on people, and we see the negative impact on those we are unable to reach.
At the core of our relationship with the customer is our commitment to deliver on our promise. The essence of that promise is based on a pledge to act in their best interests and to be there for them when adversity strikes. Who else offers such promises? Even among industries that imply their promises are true, none have the same strength or significance of our industry’s promise.
In today’s fast-moving environment, it’s incumbent on our industry to adapt and evolve so we not only keep the promise, but also realize the potential. This requires the foresight to understand how the financial services industry will unfold. In five years, it is likely that our business models and players will change dramatically. The accelerating pace of digital and technological change is a creative force offering great potential and opening exciting new frontiers. How can you capitalize on new opportunities and ensure that your business is ready to embrace the future?
LIMRA’s 2019 Annual Conference will address this question and more, focusing on the strategies that will help us champion our promise to consumers and explore the potential for growth. Our program will feature forward-thinking executives from diverse industries who will discuss key strategies in areas that will influence the future of our industry and the markets we serve, including: distribution and marketing, regulatory issues, data and technology and other strategic issues.
We are expecting a large crowd so be sure to register early to secure your reservations.