Who Should Join
LIMRA Member Company employees who are engaged in the retirement industry.
With the April 2017 "applicability date" fast approaching, Randy Hardock and Mike Hadley will provide a Washington, DC insider's view of potential steps that the Trump Administration and the new 115th Congress might take with respect to the DOL Fiduciary rule. Topics will include the impact of additional Q & A guidance from the outgoing Obama Administration DOL; political activities and ongoing lawsuits in connection with the regulation; the roles of the key players in the executive and legislative branches of government; the prospects for independent congressional action; and, most important, the potential administrative steps that the Trump Administration has available to delay or rewrite the regulation (consistent with the Administrative Procedures Act). The webinar will provide up-to-the-minute information on the status of the fiduciary rule and the timing of potential changes; how financial advisors and retirement plan sponsors are dealing with implementation; and practical advice that can be used to help you deal with the ongoing uncertainty.