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Washington Update on Insurance and Annuities

1/28/2021, 1 - 2 p.m.


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LIMRA and LOMA members in the insurance and annuity space who are interested in the shift in political power will affect the industry.


The shift in political power will affect the insurance and annuity industry. Bryan Keene and Chris Gaston from Davis Harmon shared their thoughts on the future of regulation and legislation. 


Bryan Keene
Partner, Davis & Harman LLP

Bryan Keene

Partner, Davis & Harman LLP

Bryan Keene specializes in the federal income taxation of life insurance and annuity contracts, including annuity contracts used in connection with individual retirement arrangements and qualified retirement plans. He serves on the Board of Governors for the Association of Life Insurance Counsel and is a former chair of the Insurance Companies Committee of the American Bar Association's Section of Taxation. He also is a frequent speaker at the Insurance Tax Conference, The Insurance Tax Seminar of the Federal Bar Association, and the Society of Actuaries’ Product Tax Seminar.

Chris Gaston
Senior Policy Director, Davis & Harman LLP

Chris Gaston

Senior Policy Director, Davis & Harman LLP

Chris Gaston is Senior Policy Director of Davis & Harman LLP. Chris has more than a dozen years of Capitol Hill experience and he represents clients on a wide range of issues before Congress, particularly retirement and savings policy.

Prior to joining Davis & Harman LLP, Chris served as Chief of Staff for U.S. Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ) who was a senior member of the House Committee on Education and Labor.  

Chris graduated from The George Washington University and received a master’s degree from Georgetown University. He and his wife, Molly, have two active kids, Max and Clare, and one growing Labradoodle, Daisy.

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Renee Hartshorn

Sr Marketing Specialist


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