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We'll help you make fact-based business decisions.

Every year, we publish research reports on topics including products, markets, distribution, technology, and industry trends.

What’s on the Minds of Global Life Insurance Executives

Oct 1, 2021

Providing insights into the highest priorities of life insurance leaders as they tackle today’s challenges and embrace emerging opportunities.

Customer Experience Benchmarking Program for Life Insurance

Optimize customer experience for the uniqueness of life insurance.

Studying Success: The Latest Factors Driving Life Insurance Sales

Nov 15, 2021

What leads to success in the rapidly evolving market for individual life insurance?

Consumer Sentiment in the Time of COVID-19 (January 2022)

Feb 21, 2022

How has consumer sentiment and confidence in the financial services industry changed during the pandemic?

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2022 Marketing Conference

6/1/2022 - 6/3/2022

This event provides what marketers need today: industry and marketing acumen, including digital initiatives, consumer insights, customer experience, and overall market¬ing strategy.


2022 LIMRA Annual Conference

10/16/2022 - 10/18/2022

The LIMRA Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of senior executives representing diverse sectors of the financial services industry.


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Your Contacts

Philip Moore, MBA, BA, ALMI, ACS, MIC

Senior Regional Executive — EMEA

Work Phone: + 44 (0) 1462 813020

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