Industry Strong — July 21, 2021
New This Week
▶Upcoming Conference: 2021 LIMRA Live Annual Conference
▶Upcoming Webinar: DOL Fiduciary Rule Under the Biden Administration
▶Featured Research: Money in Motion: Understanding the Dynamics of the IRA Rollover Market
▶Featured Infographic: Future of Work Infographic
▶Featured Program: Strategic Leadership
Live & On Demand Webinars
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DOL Fiduciary Rule Under the Biden Administration

The Department of Labor's Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2020-02, called Improving Investment Advice for Workers and Retirees, expands the definition of fiduciary advice under ERISA to recommendations about rollovers and IRA investments.
The Evolution of the Retirement Plan Industry: Planning for the Future
This webinar will discuss how markets, products, and distribution are evolving to meet new challenges. What does the future of retirement plans look like, and how will that impact the next generation of products and services? How are the best companies positioning themselves for success?
The Evolution of the Annuity Market: Entering the New Normal
As vaccines roll out at a rapid pace in the U.S., we are entering a new normal. Please join Teddy Panaitisor and Todd Giesing for a look at the new normal for the individual annuity market, and where Secure Retirement Institute is forecasting sales to go.
Professional Development
Learning Live Series
Short, Facilitated, Virtual Sessions Expand Knowledge

Join your industry peers in our Learning Live Series! In each virtual session, expert instructors explain key concepts and lead interactive discussions to clarify understanding. The series covers a range of topics specific to the life insurance and financial services industry, from product overviews to introductions to data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Strategic Leadership Programs

Broaden your skill set and engage with leaders across the industry in a virtual Strategic Leadership program. Join us August 17-18 in a virtual classroom for a two-day dive into Decision-Making and Strategic Execution. This session, our last program of the year, will outline the need for critical thinking skills, discuss common cognitive biases, and the critical thinking behaviors that can mitigate their effects.
Decision-Making and Strategic Execution
August 17–18
Gain an Understanding of Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans

Changes are coming soon to the Associate, Secure Retirement Institute™ (ASRI®) program. As of January 1, 2022, a new course, SRI 240 — Profitability in the Retirement Business, will become a requirement for the designation program. Earn your ASRI before this change goes into effect!
Don't Fear Your Financial Future

Hear how LOMA's Fellow, Secure Retirement Institute (FSRI) designation can build the knowledge needed to succeed in the industry. Plan ahead to build security and bring good fortune to your financial future.
Retirement Research

Money in Motion: Understanding the Dynamics of the IRA Rollover Market
Learn more about the intricacies of the IRA rollover market.

The Implications of Low-for-Long Interest Rates on Life Insurance and Annuity Business
This report presents results from the second phase of research work exploring the impacts of the low interest rate environment on the insurance industry from the customer and distributor perspective.

A Deeper Dive: 2020 Registered Index-Linked Annuity Sales
Registered index-linked annuities continued to gain popularity in 2020. This report explores the election of protections and benefits within this popular product segment.

Future of Work Infographic
A recent Aon survey reveals the impact the pandemic had on how organizations are thinking about the future of work.
Featured Publication
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