Industry Strong — October 27, 2021
Professional Development

Advance Your Knowledge With a Short Webinar
Don't forget to check off your professional development goals by year-end! Join us for our last Advance Your Knowledge Webinar of the year as we get back to the basics of all of LOMA's designation programs. We'll help ensure you meet your own professional development goals.
Meet Your Professional Development Goals by Year-End with LOMA!
Tuesday, November 2, 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. ET

Take a Break and Educate Your Teams on Professional Development Opportunities
We're operating in a time of constant change — let LL Global help you and your teams take control and transform challenges into opportunities! Our brief, virtual Break & Educate event provides learners at member companies with the knowledge and motivation needed to begin or continue along their professional development journey.

Demystify Data Analytics in This Short, Facilitated Session
Join your industry peers next month in Learning Live: Intro to Data Analytics! Designed for employees who don't work with data analytics (yet), our expert instructor covers the basics ― what data analytics is, why it's becoming essential to insurers' success, and how all employees play a role in that success.
Learning Live: Intro to Data Analytics
Wednesday, November 10, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET

There's Still Time! Earn Your ASRI by Year-End!
Changes are coming soon to the Associate, Secure Retirement Institute™ (ASRI®) program. As of January 1, 2022, a new course, SRI 240 — Profitability in the Retirement Business, will become a requirement for the designation program. Finish your ASRI before December 31 before this change goes into effect!
Upcoming & On Demand Webinars
5 in 15: The Five Things You Need to Know About Workplace Life Insurance in 15 Minutes

Join Pat Leary, Corporate Vice President, Workplace Benefits Research as he shares the five things you need to know about the changing landscape of life insurance benefits in 15 minutes.
Potential Compliance Implications for Insurance Carriers Relying on PTE 84-24 (and Alternatives)
For insurance carriers, broker-dealers, and investment advisers that intend to utilize the Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2020-02, a heavy compliance burden lies ahead. Firms will need to develop a comprehensive process for measuring reasonable compensation and document how inherent conflicts of interest are mitigated.
Long-Term Mortality Impacts of COVID-19
Join us as our special guest Swiss Re's Dr. Elyssa Del Valle, Chief Medical Officer, Life & Health Americas; Dr. Christoph Nabholz, Head of Research Engagement, Swiss Re Institute, and Dr. Daniel Zamarripa, Chief Medical Officer, AIG for an informative, virtual discussion on the long-term impacts of COVID and what it means for insurers.
Insurance Research

What’s on the Minds of Global Life Insurance Executives
Providing insights into the highest priorities of life insurance leaders as they tackle today’s challenges and embrace emerging opportunities.

U.S. Monthly Individual Life Sales
Get the latest monthly individual life sales and application trends. New January 2025 and December 2024 data.

Meeting the Life Insurance Need Through Workplace Benefits
While many people rely on their employer to address their life insurance needs, the communication requirements of this benefit are not being met.
Featured Publication

Home Office Assessments
55% of Americans expect to search for a new job over the next 12 months.
The great resignation. It’s here; we can help:
- Reduce employee turnover
- Improve new-hire quality
- Improve engagement
- Increase job satisfaction
Create Account
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A Learner Profile enables you to enroll in courses, track your progress, and unlock exclusive members-only content.