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If the Jeopardy! Game answer is: “The moment you start earning a paycheck,” then the question is: “When is the best time to buy disability insurance?”

Research shows that even the workers who know this question and answer, don’t act on the information. According to the recent LIMRA/ LIFE Foundation 2013 Insurance Barometer Study 7 in 10 employed consumers agree that most people need disability insurance and half agree they need it “personally.” However, only 30% of workers actually own disability insurance, whether through their employer or an individual policy.

Each May the LIFE Foundation coordinates Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM) to educate consumers about the important role disability insurance plays in having a sound financial plan.

Studies like the Insurance Barometer and others reveal that employed consumers have a great deal of misunderstanding about disability insurance. With data from the Council for Disability Awareness (CDA and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program, LIMRA has put together a “Myths and Facts” sheet to help workers better understand the importance of disability insurance.

You can find the Myths and Facts about Disability Insurance here.

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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