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A LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute survey revealed that among consumers aged 50 -75 with $100,000 or more in household income women are more likely than men to be concerned about running out of money in retirement (46 percent vs. 35 percent).

As more workers are expected to fund their own retirement, women may be expressing concern for several valid reasons. The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers show that as of the first quarter, 2014 the median wage for women is 83 percent that of men. Over a career, a lower salary combined with breaks in employment to care for children and other family members often leads to less retirement savings as well as lower Social Security income.  These issues as well as the fact that women usually live longer in retirement than men compounds the challenges women face as they plan for retirement.

The good news is women see value in getting professional advice, which could help them with investment and savings strategies to maximize their retirement assets. Nearly 7 in 10 women believe financial advisors provide value beyond what they could achieve on their own. Only half of the men surveyed agreed with that statement.  More women than men said they trust advice from a financial professional and a majority of women said financial advice is worth the money.  (See Graphic)

Saving for retirement is a challenge for both women and men but women often face greater obstacles throughout their working years where professional advice can be invaluable.  Working with a financial advisor can give women the strategies to ensure they have the financial wherewithal to achieve a secure retirement.  

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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