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According to LIMRA research,2019-02-InsureYourLove-FactSheet more than one in three U.S. families would have financial difficulty within one month of a primary wage earner dying.  More than half say they would be in financial jeopardy within a year. Having enough life insurance coverage could protect families from this risk.

This is why LIMRA is proud to support Life Happens in their ‘Insure Your Love’ campaign this February. The month-long campaign is designed to educate Americans about the value of life insurance and how it helps protect families’ financial security.

Click the graphic on the right to learn seven facts about life insurance and how it can impact people in your life.

As part of the Insure Your Love campaign, LIMRA is partnering with Life Happens in a Twitter Chat on Thursday, February 7th from 1-2 EST. Representatives from both companies will moderate and drive the discussion using the six questions below:

Q1: 78% agree that preparing financially for life’s unknowns is a way to show your loved ones you care. What are some specific ways you can prepare for these unknowns? #InsureYourLoveChat

Q2: 8 in 10 people (78%) say that finding ways to reduce financial stress is a top priority for them. What are some ways people can reduce financial stress? #InsureYourLoveChat

Q3: 69% of people with life insurance say they are less stressed knowing their family is financially protected. This sounds like a great way to reduce stress and get more out of life! #InsureYourLoveChat

Q4: People say that feeling financially secure (62%), being in love (60%), finding a reason to laugh every day (59%), and owning a home (43%) add a great deal of meaning to their lives. What adds meaning to your life? #InsureYourLoveChat

Q5: Only slightly more than half of single parents have life insurance in place, versus parents who live with their spouse/partner (72%). Is there a disconnect for single parents? #InsureYourLoveChat

Q6: 1 out of 3 wished their spouse or partner had more life insurance. What should these people do? #InsureYourLoveChat

Join LIMRA and Life Happens this month to celebrate the ‘Insure Your Love’ campaign! For additional information, please reach out to LIMRA’s PR contacts.

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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