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Today’s Most Vital Financial Issues and Trends Up For Discussion Later this Month


WINDSOR, Conn., May 5, 2015—Financial services marketers face constant challenges and are always looking to identify the latest trends.  At the LIMRA 2015 Marketing and Research Conference May 27-29, in Baltimore, Maryland industry executives and professionals will discuss and analyze the most vital issues facing marketers today.

“Effective marketing results from insightful research. But harmonizing the two is far more difficult today with changed demographics and the vast quantities of information and products available,” said Alison Salka, Ph.D., senior vice president and director, LIMRA Research. “Knowing what data to use, and which messages are going to have the best results, can be challenging. But there are ways to improve.”

With the theme “Connect, Innovate, Transform,” the conference will address the latest in big data, customer engagement, digital marketing, distribution challenges, and many other topics. Along with a study of people’s emotions about life insurance, LIMRA research on Generations X, Y and Z and on predictive analytics will also be presented.

“Conference goers will learn what they need to know to stand out in an ever-evolving marketplace, and there will be plenty of time to share new ideas and to learn about the best ways to put those ideas into action,” said Salka. “And we’ll hear about relevant insights from other industries outside of financial services as well.”

Among this year’s featured speakers will be Ann Glover, chief marketing officer, Voya Financial, who will discuss the diligence, planning and research behind her company’s recent rebranding initiatives; and Pamela El, chief marketing officer, National Basketball Association, who will talk about the strategies the NBA has developed for successful outcomes and connecting to today’s consumers.

“There are groundbreaking strategies out there, and we want the appropriate people to be connected to the best ones,” said Salka. “Baltimore is a city that’s undergone a renaissance, and we’re hoping the setting inspires attendees to do likewise at their companies.”

The conference typically draws more than 200 financial services professionals, and this year’s will be held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore. Those who register before May 1 will receive a discount. For more information and to register online, please visit: 2015 Marketing and Research Conference.


LIMRA Contacts 

Catherine Theroux, +1-860-285-7787,
Mark Morris, +1-860-285-7875,

About LIMRA 

LIMRA is a worldwide research, consulting, and professional development organization that helps more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 64 countries increase their marketing and distribution effectiveness. Visit LIMRA at

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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