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Sessions explore the growing health and wellness market and the opportunities for financial services companies.

WINDSOR, Conn., May 26, 2016 — LIMRA and LOMA are pleased to announce that Walter de Brouwer, CEO of Scanadu, a mobile medical consumer company, will open the 24th annual Strategic Issues Conference (SIC) being held on June 22- 24, 2016, in Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong.

De Brouwer will discuss how technology and design thinking are revolutionizing the health and wellness market.  He will delve into the consumer brands taking over preventative health and the business opportunities leveraging consumer medical data.

One of the preeminent industry events in the Asia-Pacific region, the 2016 SIC will include sessions that revolve around the theme "Health, Technology, & Beyond: Meeting Today’s Evolving Customer Needs.” Industry leaders and leading practitioners will provide their experience and knowledge to help companies expand their market share in this new technology-driven market.  It also offers its attendees the chance to learn from industry experts, as well as from their colleagues in an open, collaborative forum.

The conference also features a health and wellness panel, moderated by Larry Hartshorn, corporate vice president and director LIMRA International Research. The panel will examine new advances related to health, wellness and prevention.  Panelists include Rosaline Koo, founder and chief executive officer, CXA; Greta Mikelonis, head of health, APAC, Cigna; and Georgio Mosis, Ph.D., MBA, head of innovation management – Asia, RGA.

Co-hosted by LIMRA and LOMA, the Strategic Issues Conference typically attracts more than 200 industry leaders from throughout Asia seeking to identify success strategies in today's economy.

For more information or to register online, please visit 24th Annual Strategic Issues Conference.



About LIMRA 

LIMRA is a worldwide research, consulting, and professional development organization that helps more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 64 countries increase their marketing and distribution effectiveness. Visit LIMRA at


About LOMA 

Established in 1924, with 1,200 plus member companies in over 80 countries, LOMA is committed to a business partnership with its worldwide members in the insurance and financial services industry to improve their management and operations through quality employee development, research, information sharing, and related products and services. To find out more about LOMA and the learning opportunities it offers, visit LOMA’s website at


Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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