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WINDSOR, Conn., October 18, 2017 – Amid a rapidly aging population, China is making an effort to modernize their pension system to keep up with the China’s economic development. LIMRA research finds while universal social security has yet to be accomplished in China, great strides have been made toward that goal.

Larry Hartshorn, corporate vice president and director, international research and member engagement, LIMRA and LOMA, will be speaking at the 2017 Life Insurance Conference of China, on October 31 – November 1, 2017, in Beijing, China, to discuss the future of retirement in Asia.

“To be competitive in China’s retirement market, it is critical for insurance companies to develop marketing strategies that resonate with China’s consumers,” says Hartshorn. “My session will share findings from LIMRA’s recent consumer perspective research on how countries throughout Asia are learning to best serve this market, connect with potential customers and generate funding.”

The conference also features a panel of industry executives who will explore the opportunities, challenges and implications of meeting Solvency II requirements.

Panelists include:

The LIMRA LOMA Life Insurance Conference of China also will host industry leaders and experts with advanced knowledge of business strategy, sales, channel management and training. Presentations will include exclusive case studies, research and success models to help address current issues.  In addition to the presentations, will have the opportunity to network with other industry professionals to learn new ideas and compare best practices.

This conference will be presented in Mandarin and English, with interpretation services between languages offered at no additional cost.

To learn more about the conference visit 2017 Life Insurance Conference of China.


About LIMRA 

LIMRA, a worldwide research, consulting and professional development organization, is the trusted source of industry knowledge, helping more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 64 countries. Visit LIMRA at

About LOMA 

LOMA is committed to business partnerships with its over 1,200 world-wide members in the insurance and financial services industry. Our goal is to improve company management and operations through quality employee development, research, information sharing, and related products and services. Visit LOMA at

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

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Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

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Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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