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WINDSOR, Conn., Feb. 1, 2018Nick Gerhart - Small ImageFormer Insurance Commissioner Nick Gerhart and a panel of regulators will hold a Q&A session at LIMRA LOMA’s Regulatory Compliance Exchange to discuss regulatory updates and other important regulatory issues that could impact firms in the year to come.

The conference will take place March 21-23, 2018, in New Orleans, La. Conference attendees will have an opportunity to discuss the current regulatory environment and their individual concerns as they prepare for regulatory uncertainty.

“Keeping up with and understanding the latest regulations while balancing customer interests and company operations is certainly a daunting task,” said Carolyn Clement, Business Relationships, LIMRA. “We are pleased to bring together a panel of regulators who will offer insight on the regulatory landscape, highlighting their top priorities in 2018.”

LIMRA LOMA’s 2018 Regulatory Compliance Exchange will offer several sessions focused on understanding different regulations around the nation, including:

LIMRA LOMA’s Regulatory Compliance Exchange draws more than 200 compliance professionals throughout the financial services, insurance and other industries in order to discuss crucial regulatory issues and learn effective compliance practices from peers and topical experts.

To learn more about the conference and to register, please visit 2018 Regulatory Compliance Exchange. Members of the press are welcome to attend the event at no cost. Please email media contacts below for more details.


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LIMRA, a worldwide research, consulting and professional development organization, is the trusted source of industry knowledge, helping more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 64 countries. Visit LIMRA at

About LOMA 

LOMA is committed to business partnerships with its over 900 world-wide members in the insurance and financial services industry. Our goal is to improve company management and operations through quality employee development, research, information sharing, and related products and services. Visit LOMA at

Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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