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WINDSOR, Conn., and Atlanta, July 28, 2020—LIMRA MarketFacts and LOMA Resource magazines were recently recognized by APEX as 2020 winners of the Awards for Publication Excellence.

Marketfacts-only.jpgLIMRA MarketFacts took home awards in two categories:

“We are thrilled to be honored with these awards,” said Mary-Beth Selby, editor-in-chief of MarketFacts. “The articles in the winning issues of MarketFacts focus on the potential of the financial services industry—from how diversity and inclusion can benefit companies, customers and stakeholders, to lessons from InsurTech giant Lemonade and the benefits of companies being purpose driven.” 

LOMA-resource.jpgLOMA Resource magazine won an Award of Excellence in the Technology Writing category for the article, “Technology and the Future.” The article, written by Resource Senior Editor Tammy Appel, featured interviews with seven life insurance industry analysts about hot topics like blockchain, InsurTech and cybersecurity.

“We know our members are very interested to learn how emerging technologies can improve business processes and drive growth,” Appel says. “We were fortunate to work with industry experts who could share their perspective and practical knowledge about how technology can address current and future business challenges, open up new opportunities to engage consumers, increase efficiencies and lead to more profitable growth.”

APEX is an international competition that recognizes outstanding communications from publishers, editors, writers, and designers who create print, web, electronic, and social media. Hundreds of national and international organizations enter the competition every year. With more than 1,100 entries, competition was exceptionally intense.

Members can follow the links to access LIMRA MarketFacts and LOMA Resource magazine.


About LIMRA® 
Serving the industry since 1916, LIMRA helps to advance the financial services industry by empowering nearly 700 financial services companies in 53 countries with knowledge, insights, connections, and solutions. Visit LIMRA at

About LOMA®  
Established in 1924, LOMA helps to advance the financial services industry by empowering more than 900 financial services companies in 57 countries with knowledge, insights, connections, and solutions. Visit LOMA at


Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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