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AIAA LOGO.jpgWINDSOR, Conn., and Atlanta, Aug. 17, 2020LIMRA/LOMA, both part of LL Global, were recently named as a finalist for the 24th Asia Insurance Industry Awards, which is a mark of excellence and peer group endorsement for insurance players and professionals in the market.

LIMRA/LOMA joins 48 insurers, brokers, risk managers, service providers and industry leaders to be named as finalists in one of 16 categories. LIMRA/LOMA is a finalist for the “Educational Service Provider of the Year” award.

“As this time of uncertainty presents challenges for our industry, LIMRA and LOMA continue to provide the insights, resources, and development our members need to stay informed and connected,” said Bernadette Nadeau, assistant vice president of International Operations, LIMRA.

LIMRA offers training for agents at all stages of their careers. This training includes Trustworthy Selling 2.0, which LIMRA launched last year. Developed in partnership with the Hoopis Performance Network, it integrates proven language with leading research, dynamic tools and new technology to help companies build more powerful, loyal and productive distribution teams.

LOMA complements this distribution training with learning solutions for any area of head office operations and across all career stages. As insurance and financial services companies continue to draw in talent from outside, LOMA’s popular Insurance Immersion course provides the essential knowledge and tools to navigate complex industry products, functions and terminology. Its designations, including the FLMI (Fellow, Life Management Institute) program, provide industry specific business education — including advanced insurance and financial concepts.

The second round of judging will be held in early September and the winners will be announced on Nov. 2.

Asia Insurance Review, the voice of the insurance industry of Asia for the past 29 years, has hosted the awards annually since 1997.


About LL Global
LL Global is the non-profit parent company for LIMRA, LOMA and Secure Retirement Institute. LL Global provides a unified management and board structure for both trade associations. LIMRA and LOMA have a combined membership of nearly 1,200 insurance and financial services companies in 71 countries worldwide.

About LIMRA® 
Serving the industry since 1916, LIMRA helps to advance the financial services industry by empowering nearly 700 financial services companies in 53 countries with knowledge, insights, connections, and solutions. Visit LIMRA at

About LOMA® 
Established in 1924, LOMA helps to advance the financial services industry by empowering more than 900 financial services companies in 57 countries with knowledge, insights, connections, and solutions. Visit LOMA at



Media Contacts

Catherine Theroux

Director, Public Relations

Work Phone: (860) 285-7787

Mobile Phone: (703) 447-3257

Brooke Lacey

Senior Public Relations Specialist

Work Phone: (860) 298-3920

Mobile Phone: (413) 530-6184

Bailey Stover

Public Relations/Social Media Specialist

Work Phone: (770) 984-3788

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