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We'll help you make fact-based business decisions.

Every year, we publish research reports on topics including products, markets, distribution, technology, and industry trends.

U.S. Individual Annuity Market

Jul 3, 2024

Access your one-stop shop for U.S. annuity sales data — benchmark sales and analysis for a range of annuity products, reported by distribution channels and market types. Annuity Product Reports - new Q4 2023 reports.

Annuity Buyer Metrics

Aug 20, 2021

An annual buyer study providing insight into who is buying annuities and why they are turning to individual annuity products.

Predicting and Preventing Variable Annuity Surrenders (2018)

Oct 3, 2018

The latest paper from LIMRA’s Center of Excellence for Analytics lays out our full findings on how companies can predict and prevent variable annuity surrenders.

Canadian Individual Annuities

Jul 15, 2024

Benchmark sales for a range of fixed and segregated fund contracts; by distribution system and province. New Q1 2024 data.

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Patty Uricchio

Member Relations Director

Work Phone: (860) 285-7887

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