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Compliance Education Platform

Satisfy all your compliance needs in one place.


Clarify today’s confusing best interest and fiduciary environment.

Washington Update

Access resources for understanding the strategic implications of government actions.


As FraudSource members, John Hancock employees can access the latest information, research, training programs, and software for fraud prevention.

Featured Conferences

Join key players like you for unparalleled insights and networking opportunities

2025 Distribution and Marketing Conference

3/3/2025 - 3/5/2025

This conference offers the latest insights from industry experts, business thought leaders, and leading distribution and marketing professionals. It provides a platform to explore opportunities that accelerate the marketing and sales funnel while addressing market coverage gaps. Enjoy unparalleled networking and the flexibility to attend sessions in key focus areas such as agency building, brokerage, independent, multi-line, and financial management. Additionally, we’ve enriched our program with sessions dedicated to marketing and annuity distribution.


2025 Life Insurance and Annuity Conference

3/31/2025 - 4/2/2025

This premier conference provides life insurance and annuity professionals with rich cross-functional learning and networking opportunities around the development, operations, marketing, distribution, regulation, technology, and administration of individual life insurance and annuity products.


2025 LIMRA Annual Conference

9/14/2025 - 9/16/2025

The LIMRA Annual Conference is one of the largest gatherings of senior executives representing diverse sectors of the financial services industry.


Thought Leadership

Explore insightful thought leadership on the forces driving the industry.

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Insider Insights Podcast

Listen to LIMRA’s new Insider Insights Podcast Series, where our experts discuss hot topics and key trends that are influencing the financial services industry.

Industry news2use

This semi-weekly newsletter showcases important global financial services industry updates and links to related LIMRA and LOMA resources. Please subscribe to receive Industry news2use in your inbox on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


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Your Contacts

Faye W. Williamson

Member Relations Director

Work Phone: (860) 285-7826

Judy Schott

AVP Member Solutions

Work Phone: (770) 984-3751

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