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A benefit of Lincoln Financial Group's membership is an all-access online account.

Each corporate employee is eligible for access to this resource. With your online account, you'll have thousands of research reports, industry trends, and data points at your finger tips.

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We'll help you make fact-based business decisions.

Every year, we publish research reports on topics including products, markets, distribution, technology, and industry trends.

Professional Development

Whether you are seeking skill-based training or pursuing a designation, we offer award-winning content and unique learning opportunities to address your specific requirements.

Career-Long Learning

LOMA provides a wide range of products and other resources to help meet employees’ learning and development needs, including early career education, targeted training, professional development, and leadership development.

FSRI Designation Program

While traditional retirement education often focuses simply on regulations, processes, plan designs and product, the FSRI covers a greater variety of topics and issues. The highly-interactive online course format provides an in-depth and engaging learning experience.

Why Learn with LOMA?

Our approach to professional education, training and development programs is designed to measurably improve your management and operations, and drive higher levels of performance.

Featured Conferences

Get to Know Us

Ask the Info Center

Our experienced researchers can provide you with updates on current issues, developing trends and hot topics by investigating a variety of industry sources.

Register for Webinars and Events

Hear from leading industry experts, stay up-to-date on conferences, and network with other professionals.

Learning & Development Solutions

Firmly rooted in trusted research, our training solutions are aimed to help you understand complex business issues—and give you the knowledge to solve them.

Designation Programs

Our learning and education programs are flexible to meet your needs and convenient for your employees.

Featured Solution: FraudShare

The Neighborhood Fraud Watch for Financial Services

Defend against new account takeover sources and schemes

FraudShare helps you monitor and better understand new fraud challenges to your company and the industry. Fraudulent attacks at one company are quickly assessed and reported to others in the FraudShare network. The “fingerprints” that fraudsters leave behind are documented in a secure FraudShare database.

FraudShare Hackathon


Fraud attacks in the insurance and financial services industry are increasing at a rapid rate. To help detect and prevent fraud, LIMRA and LOMA teamed up with members to develop resources in four key areas: Information, Research, Training, and Shared Solutions.

Coronavirus Research

COVID-19 Mortality Modeling Survey Update

Updated results of the pulse survey of company practices regarding modeling the potential mortality impacts of COVID-19 on the life insurance industry.

Weathering the Storms: Participants and In-Service Withdrawals From Defined Contribution Plans

Loans and hardship withdrawals — especially hardships — can erode defined contribution (DC) retirement savings. Explore the reasons behind why participants take each.

The Effect of COVID-19 on Experience-Rated Group Business

How is COVID-19 impacting the experience-rating of group insurance products?

Featured Publications

SRI® Review

Gain actionable insights you won’t find anywhere else. LIMRA experts and industry leaders provide fresh perspectives on the retirement market, including consumers, products, distribution, technology, and domestic global trends.

Industry news2use

This semi-weekly newsletter showcases important global financial services industry updates and links to related LIMRA and LOMA resources. Please subscribe to receive Industry news2use in your inbox on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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