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The SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act was designed to help Americans save for retirement. How does it help them save?

Fact Book on Retirement Income

Dec 2, 2022

The Fact Book provides an analysis of the retirement income market by different segments, demographics, or retirement status.

Fraud Prevention and Compliance Solutions

Access knowledge, advice, training, and solutions for regulatory compliance.

Wealth Segments in the U.S. At a Glance

Jun 14, 2019

Quickly see the size and financial profile of wealth segments in the U. S. to spot market opportunities.

Professional Development

Whether you are seeking skill-based training or pursuing a designation, we offer award-winning content and unique learning opportunities to address your specific requirements.

Career-Long Learning

LOMA provides a wide range of products and other resources to help meet employees’ learning and development needs, including early career education, targeted training, professional development, and leadership development.

FSRI Designation Program

While traditional retirement education often focuses simply on regulations, processes, plan designs and product, the FSRI covers a greater variety of topics and issues. The highly-interactive online course format provides an in-depth and engaging learning experience.

The Value of FSRI

Gary Lineberry, Managing Director, LOMA Retirement Education Solutions sat down with LOMA member and Nationwide Retirement Plans executive Jeff Stein, Vice President, Operations, to discuss how Nationwide views the Fellow, Secure Retirement Institute (FSRI) and how the program is integrated into training for their staff.

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SRI® Review

Gain actionable insights you won’t find anywhere else. LIMRA experts and industry leaders provide fresh perspectives on the retirement market, including consumers, products, distribution, technology, and domestic global trends.

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Your Contacts at LIMRA

Paul Henry

Managing Director, Retirement Clients and Products

Work Phone: (860) 285-7878

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