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We'll help you make fact-based business decisions.

Every year, we publish research reports on topics including products, markets, distribution, technology, and industry trends.

The talent development resources you need to lead the industry.

Whether you are seeking skill-based training or pursuing a professional designation, we offer award-winning content and unique learning opportunities to address your ambitions..

Designation Programs

LOMA's educational offerings have something for everyone in the insurance and financial services industry. Explore our designation options and choose the right path for you.

Career-Long Learning

LOMA provides a wide range of products and other resources to help meet employees’ learning and development needs, including early career education, targeted training, professional development, and leadership development.

Training Opportunities

Get the skills to improve your job performance, understand your role in the industry, and master new skills through Onboarding, Need 2 Know courses, Insurance Immersion, and Short Online Courses.

Featured Conference

Thought Leadership

Explore insightful thought leadership on the forces driving the industry.

Your Contact at LIMRA

Faye W. Williamson

Member Relations Director

Work Phone: (860) 285-7826

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