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DOL Fiduciary News: May 18, 2016

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14 questions (and answers) about the DOL fiduciary rule [conference coverage]; May 18, 2016

The DOL fiduciary rule was a hot topic at LIMRA’s retirement industry conference earlier this month in Boston. The association presented a panel about the rule during one of its general sessions hosted by Bob Kerzner, LIMRA’s CEO. Kerzner opened the session by predicting the rule will create seismic change throughout the industry. 

Fiduciary Rule Will Hasten Advisors' Fee-Based Transition, Says SEI Exec

Financial Advisor; May 17, 2016

The DOL fiduciary rule will accelerate what has been happening in the financial advisory business for several years: the gradual transition of firms from commission-based to fee-based operations, says John Anderson, head of practice management solutions for SEI Advisor Network.

It's not so bad: Most advisers see few negatives in fiduciary reg 

Financial Planning; May 17 2016, 1:32pm EDT

More than a month has passed since the Department of Labor unveiled the final version of its fiduciary rule, and despite years of heated debate, most advisers now say there's little to be afraid of in the new regulation.

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