Workplace Benefits Research

Yuliya Esipov 5/14/2018
Workplace Benefits Research
This study includes a full report and infographic.
There are many reasons to offer benefits. Do employers have a paternalistic approach to deciding which employee benefits to offer? Do they have formal strategic plans to meet business needs and demographic changes?
Creating and maintaining a long-term planning and benchmarking strategy focused on total rewards will address changing employee demographics and:
How well do the benefits you offer align with the wants and needs of today’s employees? Of today’s employers?
How far have benefits advisors moved on the scale of consultative services? Discover the evolving role of the benefits advisor.
Examine the penetration rates for the full range of employee benefits and savings plans at U.S. employers.
What are employers currently using technology for, and what do they want?
There has always been a disconnect between carriers and employers when it comes to benefits. But what if you could help employers become more engaged?