Workplace Benefits Research

Yuliya Esipov 5/22/2018
Workplace Benefits Research
This study includes a full report and infographic.
Do employers still need benefit advisors? Advisors have played a critical role in the employee benefits marketplace for many years, yet a significant number of employers say they would purchase medical and nonmedical benefits directly from carriers to achieve substantial cost savings.
How well do employers align their benefits strategies to their actual business needs and challenges?
How well do the benefits you offer align with the wants and needs of today’s employees? Of today’s employers?
Examine the penetration rates for the full range of employee benefits and savings plans at U.S. employers.
How do employee benefit brokers view the insurers they most often recommend to clients? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these carriers?
What are employers currently using technology for, and what do they want?
There has always been a disconnect between carriers and employers when it comes to benefits. But what if you could help employers become more engaged?