Quickly see the size and financial profile of wealth segments in the U. S. to spot market opportunities.

Jafor Iqbal 6/14/2019
Quickly see the size and financial profile of wealth segments in the U. S. to spot market opportunities.
This LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute report provides a brief, insightful summary of six different wealth segments in the U.S.: Low-Net-Worth, Middle market, Mass Affluent, Affluent, High-Net-Worth, and Mega-Millionaires. At a glance, you’ll see each segment’s size (in households), investable assets by retirement status, financial profile, and retirement needs and opportunities. Use it spot openings for growing your share of the retirement business.
The Retirement Income Reference Book (Fourth Edition) provides a wealth of facts and insights at your fingertips. Use it to set strategy, make presentations, or conduct training.