LIMRA interviewed analytics leaders at member companies to learn about their analytics use cases and practices. Here are our findings.
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The Drivers of Agent Production and Retention
LIMRA’s analytics team examines the factors that drive agent production and retention.
Predicting and Preventing Variable Annuity Surrenders (2018)
The latest paper from LIMRA’s Center of Excellence for Analytics lays out our full findings on how companies can predict and prevent variable annuity surrenders.
Predicting Variable Annuity Surrenders with the SEMMA Process (2018)
The first paper from LIMRA’s Center of Excellence for Analytics uses variable annuity surrenders as a case study to discuss our modeling process and show the value of analytics in our research.
FP (Agent) Production and Retention
Trending now! Follow the annual stats on retention, production performance, and earnings of full-time Financial Professionals (FPs/agents). 2022 Report now available.
Career FP (Agent) Recruiting
LIMRA’s recruiting studies, conducted semi-annually, track the number of new hires with corresponding periods from the previous year.