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2024 BEAT Study

Improving Benefit Decision-Making and Enrollment Through Effective Communication

Explore insights surrounding the importance of building quality enrollment experiences with valuable communication strategies. 

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At a Glance:
Building Quality Enrollment Experiences With Strategic Communication

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Challenges during open enrollment
include limited
time spent making decisions
and low understanding.

Employees prefer more frequent
and multi-channel benefits

Carriers can capitalize on this
demand by providing resources
to close the knowledge gap
and drive enrollment.


Time Spent Enrolling Is Minimal

  •  2⁄3 of employees spend less than one hour on the entire process of reviewing benefits information, making decisions, and enrolling.

  • 30% spend less than 30 minutes.

Key Reasons Employees Chose Not to Enroll
Claiming they “don’t need” the coverage
Thinking the benefit is not worth the cost
Saying they cannot afford the benefit
Have coverage from another source
Not having enough information about the benefit

Opportunities to Improve.png

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