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LIMRA’s Retirement Investors Survey tracks the perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and financial condition of retirees and non-retired workers in the United States.


LIMRA’s Retirement Investors Survey is designed to address business issues relevant to our membership and tracks the perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and financial condition of retirees and non-retired workers in the United States. LIMRA has conducted a version of this survey annually since 2012. The survey focuses on individuals who are most likely to be considered part of the market for individual retirement products and services, defined in terms of age (40 to 85 years old) and wealth (at least $100,000 in household investable assets). In addition, this report includes new multiyear trending for key metrics.

Topics covered include:

  • Retirement income — current and expected
  • Use of financial professionals
  • Retirement plans and planning
  • Product and account ownership
  • Investor attitudes and outcomes
  • Retirement timing and process

Explore The Modern Retiree Infographic

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