The LIMRA Financial Wellness IndexTM helps give form and definition to the often mercurial concept of financial wellness by creating a wellness “score” that can be assessed over time, and compared within and among different demographic segments.

Deb Dupont 11/3/2022
The LIMRA Financial Wellness IndexTM helps give form and definition to the often mercurial concept of financial wellness by creating a wellness “score” that can be assessed over time, and compared within and among different demographic segments.
The LIMRA Financial WellnessTM Index is an indicator of consumer financial wellness — or absence of financial stress.
It assesses financial wellness for the general population, and can be applied to a number of demographic variables. It is based on a common “definition” of financial wellness developed by LIMRA, PwC, and a task force of member financial services companies in 2020, and based on a sample of 7,805 consumers in a survey conducted February – March 2022. Results have been weighted to be nationally representative of gender, age, income, race, ethnicity, and employer size.