The 5th wave of this valuable tracking study, providing updates on historical trends and profiles of the life insurance market in Canada.

James T. Scanlon, M.S., HIA 1/12/2021
The 5th wave of this valuable tracking study, providing updates on historical trends and profiles of the life insurance market in Canada.
This periodic study measures and monitors the attitudes and behaviors of Canadian consumers as they relate to life insurance. The study enables LIMRA to generate vital industry metrics, including:
The study data provide an illustration of the overall life insurance industry and profiles it along important demographic and geographic characteristics.
This report marks the 5th wave of this valuable tracking study, which profiles the life insurance industry in Canada and updates historic trends.
This report marks the fifth wave of this valuable tracking study, which profiles the life insurance industry in Canada and updates historic trends.
This report examines the total amount of life insurance owned by Canadians and profiles the subset of households that say they need more life insurance.
This report provides a detailed look at the type of individual life insurance products owned by Canadian households, and provides trends in market penetration rates for term and permanent products.
This virtual conference will be conducted in two sessions over two consecutive days.
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