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Compliance is a big deal. Trusting the source for AML training shouldn’t be.

The LIMRA AML program is widely used in the industry to help companies comply with anti-money laundering training and tracking requirements. AML courses are offered in English and Spanish, with a new refresher course created each year to keep recognizing and stopping money laundering top of mind.

AML Training Login

Partnering with our members and financial professionals to fight crime since 2003

AML for Home Office

Content created annually to highlight relevant issues for Home Office staff

Easy Access

Easy to access and enroll, with the ability to pause progress at any time

Real-Life Industry Examples

Real-life industry examples to prepare your employees

100% Verifiable

100% verifiable with updated, digital completion data

AML for Producers

Content created annually to highlight relevant issues for Home Office employees

Resource Library

Enables users to review course material on demand with access to prior year’s materials

Completion Certificates

Completion Certificates for Home Office staff

Track Completion Activity

Stay up to date on your employees' progress easily with our digital tracker

AML and Refresher Courses

AML for Producers

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Training

LIMRA's U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Training Program is a fast, easy, and inexpensive way for financial services companies to meet key requirements of U.S. Treasury Department rules.

This industry-wide training program allows producers to complete core training just once, and documentation is sent to every carrier they represent that participates in the program. In addition, the Anti-Money Laundering Program

  • Provides training for insurance and securities producers and home office employees 
  • Is based on real-life industry scenarios with interactive content to help learning stick
  • Provides reporting to see who has started, not started, and completed training

NEW! AML for Home Office Employees

  • Train your employees to understand and recognize money laundering with the NEW LIMRA AML Training for Home Office Employees
  • Quick, easy to access, 100% verifiable. Enroll employees with your producers for volume discounts and check AML training off your list with the LIMRA AML Training for Home Office Employees.
  • Industry-specific AML Training is now available for your Home Office Employees, on the same easy platform where your financial professionals are trained.

Get a Demo of the NEW LIMRA AML Training for Home Office Employees today!

2024 AML Refresher Course

Anti-Money Laundering for Insurance Review – Knowing Your Customer in a Digital World (2024)​

As goods and services continue to become increasingly more digital and online, the risk of account takeover and suspicious activity is more prevalent than ever. It is crucial to know your customer (KYC) and perpetual KYC.

The LIMRA 2024 AML refresher course aims to teach learners how to recognize how identities are compromised and compromised data is used, develop controls to protect your customers and yourself, identify high-risk acitivies and red flags that signal money launder, and recognize suspicious activities while understanding the use of the SAR.

As always, the LIMRA refresher training provides an important review of anti-money laundering rules and regulations. The training enhances knowledge on Know Your Customer, Activity Monitoring and Reporting, and Red Flags.

The LIMRA AML Program includes an AML Resource Library, available 24/7, to help learners review content when needed, and a customized company page, to help carriers meet regulatory requirements.

Looking for More Information about
an AML Solution?

LIMRA AML Courses Get High Praise!


Courses are available in both English and Spanish. 


Prices are scaled by volume. Please contact for details.

AML Support

If you need further assistance please contact CFM Partners' Help Desk at (866) 364-2380 or


Tools to Help Keep AML Top of Mind

Perpetual KYC

Knowing your customer and their typical behaviors is an important aspect of preventing money laundering. 

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Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We all play a role in protecting our customers and ourselves by keeping our personal information safe.

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Red Flags

Data protection is the responsibility of everyone. Understand what common red flags to look for.

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Report It

When in doubt, it is always a good idea to report any suspicious activity. 

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You Are the Best Defense Against Money-Laundering

A great reminder that all employees have a role to play in helping to halt money laundering.

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Money Laundering Funds Criminal Activity

Reporting one red flag can help prevent terrible atrocities that happen all over the world.

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Take Money Laundering Seriously

Federal regulation requires AML training. This knowledge helps to protect your customers, your company, and your employees.

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Three Phases of Money Laundering

Understanding the three phases of money laundering can help make risks easier to identify. 

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