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Help Sales Professionals Test Drive a Career in Leadership

BenchBuilderTM provides a systematic process to help determine which advisors should step into a field leadership role. The program leverages

  • LIMRA’s extensive research and content from the XRoads21 system
  • Hoopis Performance Network’s field-tested systems and best practices
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Helping Financial Professionals Test Drive a Career in Leadership


The BenchBuilder program provides a systematic, structured process to help organizations determine which of their financial professionals should step into a field leadership role. It leverages LIMRA’s extensive research and core content from LIMRA’s former XRoads21 system, as well as the Hoopis Performance Network’s field-tested systems and best practices.

This pragmatic, interactive program:

  • Offers an opportunity for financial professionals interested in leadership to experience an honest, realistic picture of the role.
  • Provides samples of the candidate’s work in key management activities before a commitment is made.
  • Helps candidates determine whether they would like to pursue a leadership role — with an “easy in, easy out” approach.
  • Gives organizations a smoother transition in field leadership succession planning, since they will have BenchBuilder graduates on deck.

The curriculum allows financial professionals and their sponsoring managers to collaborate on 16 management activities. These activities align with six key responsibilities: recruiting and selecting; training; performance management; target market planning and development; business management; and team development.

Contact us to learn more about how BenchBuilder can help your organization create a bench for organic growth!

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