Behavioral Economics Principles
Nov 13, 2019
How can you truly influence the way prospects and clients make buying decisions? Align your sales process with behavioral economic principles, and you will achieve greater results.
Thorough Diagnosis
Nov 13, 2019
By focusing on helping prospects understand their situation more clearly, top sales reps differentiate themselves from their competitors, facilitate learning for the prospect, and build trust.
Questioning Pitfalls-rev
Nov 13, 2019
Do you know how to avoid the pitfalls? Financial professionals generally run into trouble with their questioning in one or more of these ways.
Power of Questions
Nov 13, 2019
The power is in the question. Certain questions can increase your credibility in the eyes of the prospect because they are intelligent and thought provoking.
Four Levels of Buyer Need
Nov 13, 2019
Prospects buy when, and only when, they perceive a gap or discrepancy between their current situation and their desired situation. Where are your prospects?
Collaborative Discovery
Nov 13, 2019
“Collaborative Discovery” is something you do WITH your prospect; fact finding is something you do TO your prospect.
For Want of a Nail
Nov 13, 2019
Desire is increased by the questions you ask, allowing prospects to gain insights into their own problems. The questions simply magnify the problems by getting the prospect to explore their implications.
Text Message Etiquette & Best Practices
Nov 13, 2019
Texting has become one of the most efficient ways to communicate in business. Although fast and convenient, texting brings about its own set of challenges. Check out these tips to make the most of this form of communication.
SM Engagement Best Practices
Nov 13, 2019
Social media platforms allow you to make contact, establish your expertise, and significantly increase your social footprint by developing a group of virtual “followers”.
Principles of Telephone Engagement
Nov 13, 2019
Telephone engagement doesn’t need to be torture. You can raise your success ratio, enhance the rapport-building process, and make more money by following telephone engagement strategies.
Power of Paraphrasing
Nov 13, 2019
Through paraphrasing, prospects and clients feel you truly understand and empathize with them and will open up to you with new information and confidences you otherwise would have never have had access to.
Poor Listener vs Good Listener
Nov 13, 2019
Listening is a fundamental building block in making a connection with prospects and clients. It demonstrates your benevolence and your interest in hearing about the prospect and tailoring your process to his or her needs.
Forging Your Digital Identity
Nov 13, 2019
Financial professionals who can effectively engage digital prospects at various touch points in the consumer experience lifecycle will be the ones who stay ahead of the curve.
Email Etiquette & Best Practices
Nov 13, 2019
While we try to work faster and more efficiently, we must not forget the social rules that accompany any form of communication. Email is no exception.
4 Steps to Successful Telephone Scripts
Nov 13, 2019
Remember nothing happens in the sales process until you pick up the phone and dial.
Engaging Face to Face-rev
Nov 13, 2019
Technology has made it easier and cheaper to frequently communicate and interact with clients and prospects. Yet, research tells us that the majority of consumers still want to meet face-to-face when it comes to discussing their financial matter. Are you engaging effectively?
Peak Performance Techniques
Nov 13, 2019
Top performers utilize peak performance techniques to improve their effectiveness. With appropriate practice, you can improve your behavior and perform at peak levels with these techniques.
Guidelines for Creating Positive Affirmations
Nov 13, 2019
Research shows you forget 90 percent of everything you hear within 24 hours. However, if you develop an affirmation based on what you want to change and repeat it dozens of times daily, it will become engrained in your consciousness.
3 Story Traps Average Producers Tell Themselves
Nov 13, 2019
The average or poor producer tends to fall into one of three traps in terms of the stories they tell others and themselves.
Client Segments-pyramid
Nov 13, 2019
Utilize a client segmentation process to identify clients who provide the most opportunity for you. When we put someone into a client segment, it’s not because they are better or worse as human beings. It’s simply because they provide more or less future potential.
Annual Review Meetings
Nov 13, 2019
Schedule annual review meetings to ensure you are staying on top of your clients’ needs. They foster cross selling opportunities and increase client retention.
Nov 13, 2019
80% of your business is typically generated by 20% of your clients. ~ The Pareto Principle.
Using Behavioral Economics in Presentations
Nov 13, 2019
Check out what LIMRA research tells us consumers want in a sales presentation.
The Pre-Flight Checklist
Nov 13, 2019
Being prepared for the closing meeting will give you the confidence you need to allow your passion and conviction to be unleashed. Your diligent preparation is going to make all the difference in a successful presentation.
Story Selling Components
Nov 13, 2019
Top producers develop a toolkit of great stories about their company, their clients, and their solutions.
Choose 1 of 2
Nov 13, 2019
Did you ever stop to think you might be preventing prospects from making the decision to buy because you have overwhelmed them with information?
Replacing Old Files with New Files
Nov 13, 2019
Your mind is like a giant computer and your beliefs are like the file folders stored in it. Mediocre sales performance comes down to one factor: your mind has too many files running negative or limiting thoughts. “Reprogram or replace“ those files, and you will literally change your sales results.