글로벌 팀
LIMRA는 저희 국제적인 회원들에게 서비스를 제공할 헌신적인 전문가 팀을 갖고 있습니다. 북미, EMEA, 남미 및 아시아 태평양 지역에 걸친 저희의 각 사무소를 통해 저희에게 문의하십시오.
LIMRA는 저희 국제적인 회원들에게 서비스를 제공할 헌신적인 전문가 팀을 갖고 있습니다. 북미, EMEA, 남미 및 아시아 태평양 지역에 걸친 저희의 각 사무소를 통해 저희에게 문의하십시오.
300 Day Hill Road
Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Phone: +1 860-285-7789
David Levenson — President and Chief Executive Officer
Brent Lemanski — Client Relationship Assistant Vice President
Email: BLemanski@limra.com
Phone: +1 905-530-2309
Fax: +1 905-530-2001
Richard Wyber - Regional Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Asia
Email: RWyber@limra.com
Edwin Si — Managing Director
Email: ESi@limra.com
Phone: +86 137 0197 6929
Henry Chen — Membership and Administration Specialist
Email: Hchen@limra.com
Phone: +86 181 0120 8297
Ashish Kumar — Director, LOMA India
Email: AKumar@limra.com
Phone: +91 989 997 7266
Dhiraj Malhotra — Special Consultant
Email: dmalhotra@limra.com
Phone: +91 894 969 6981
Premraj Thuraisingam — Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Southeast Asia
Email: PThuraisingam@limra.com
Phone: +65 96353619
Surapon Thongtoonsab — Managing Director, Indochina
Email: SThongtoonsab@limra.com
Phone: +66 81 753 8567
Lay Lay Saw — Managing Director, LIMRA Malaysia
Email: LLSaw@limra.com
Phone: +60 182 03 3199
Dr. Emira Oepangat — Managing Director, Indonesia
Email: eoepangat@loma.org
Phone: +62 81 1929 4221
Bosco Lau — Senior Managing Director and Business Head, North Asia
Email: BLau@limra.com
Phone: +852 902 600 38
Jonathan Law PhD, MBA, CLU, FLMI — Managing Director, LOMA Hong Kong
Phone: +852 970 717 03
Email: jlaw@limra.com
Yoshihiro Hoshino — Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Japan
Email: yhoshino@limra.com
Phone : +080 9291 5850
Jerry Woo — Managing Director, Korea
Email: JWoo@limra.com
Phone: +82 10 8140 6890
Augustus (Joe) Ferreria — Managing Director, Philippines
Email: aferreria@limra.com
Phone: +63 917 848 5820
Sean Lin — Managing Director, Taiwan
Phone: +886939366661
Email: slin@limra.com
Philip Moore — Managing Director, EMEA
Phone: +44 1462 813 020
Email: pmoore@limra.com
Manolis Kyriacou — Managing Director, Greece & Cyprus
Phone: +357 2245 2227
Email: mkyriacou@limra.com
Marcelo Assunção —Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone: +55 11 967781085
Email: massuncao@limra.com
Michelle Havelock — Managing Director, Caribbean
Email: mhavelock@limra.com
Carlos Islas Murguía — Managing Director, Mexico
Email: CMurguia@limra.com
Phone: +52 553 805 2175
Gina Castañeda — Director, LAC Member Engagement
Email: GCastaneda@limra.com
Phone: +57 318 3955138