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Who Attends

Professionals responsible for actuarial/product development, underwriting, claims, regulation/product filing, and/or administration of the following products (through either worksite or retail channels): accident insurance, critical illness insurance, hospital indemnity plans, individual disability insurance, or long-term care/combination products.


Network with your peers and leading industry experts while gaining insight into the latest trends in supplemental health products — accident insurance, critical illness, and hospital indemnity — as well as individual disability insurance and long-term care/combination products. The cross functional nature of this event provides the opportunity to interact with — and learn from — peer professionals in other disciplines as well as your own. With a variety of sessions on pricing/product design, filing, underwriting, claims and more, as well as separate tracks for each product, attendees can choose to explore one product from end-to-end or consider one function across multiple products. Hosted by LIMRA and LOMA and the Society of Actuaries, the Supplemental Health, DI & LTC Conference will cover important issues and identify strategies that will shape the industry’s future. No other conference can offer you the depth and breadth of information that you’ll find here.


Early Registration Fee June 25, 2025:
LIMRA, LOMA and SOA Members: $1,550
Non‐members: $2,225

Standard Registration Fee (after June 25 cutoff date):
LIMRA, LOMA and SOA Members: $1,750
Non‐members: $2,485


Hotel / Venue

Hard Rock Hotel San Diego

207 5th Avenue
San Diego, CA, USA, 92101

Hotel Reservations

Make your reservations by June 25th to receive the group rate of $299.00 single/double (plus applicable sales taxes, currently 12.96%). Requests after June 25th will be accepted based on space availability. Please note that hotel rates will go up after June 25th or when the meeting room block sells out, whichever comes first. Make your reservations early to be able to take advantage of our discount rates.

Extend your stay: The group guest room rate will be offered three (3) days prior to and three (3) days after the meeting dates, subject to availability at the time of your reservation. You may need to call the hotel directly to book the extra nights.

If you receive any unsolicited or suspicious emails or phone calls about a hotel booking in conjunction with this meeting, our advice is to delete the email immediately. In the case of a phone call, never give out your credit card information. Our designated conference hotels will not call you unless you contact them first.

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

The Supplemental Health, DI & LTC Conference connects industry experts, business thought leaders, and top-notch insurance industry professionals.

Join the conversation by securing a sponsorship or exhibiting at the conference.

Learn more about Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities

Nicole Chiarodo
Sponsor/Exhibitor Sales

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Gold Sponsors

Elite Sponsors

Associate Sponsors

Contact us to learn more:

Mr. Jinhai Guo

Event Coordinator


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