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2018年9月16日 - 2018年9月18日
峇里島君悅酒店 峇里島, 印度尼西亚




  • 把握新興市場機遇
  • 從案例研究與最佳實踐中借鑒經驗
  • 行銷、管道及企業管理方面的最新發展


Dominic ZieglerDominic Ziegler, "榕樹"專欄作家, The Economist

多明尼克•齊格勒(Dominic Ziegler)是《經濟學人》(Economist)在香港撰寫的有關亞洲事務的“榕樹”專欄的作者。在此之前,他曾在倫敦編輯過該雜誌的亞洲版。2005年至2009年,他擔任東京分社社長。他還在1994年至2000年期間擔任中國記者,在北京開設了經濟學人的第一個中國內地辦事處。他是該雜誌的財經編輯和駐華盛頓記者。他是《黑龍江》(2015)的作者,這本書是關於黑龍江的,這是大多數人從未聽說過的最長的河流。


Dominic ZieglerDr. Leroy Chiao, 美國宇航局前宇航員和國際空間站指令長

Chiao博士擁有獨特的世界觀,因為他是為數不多的幾個能從太空觀察世界的人之一。他曾四次飛往太空,在國際空間站擔任指揮官和美國宇航局的科學家,先後在太空中生活、工作了229天。 Chiao博士曾在學術界、政府實驗室、和科技創業公司工作,擁有廣泛深入的專業知識,這一切使他能夠以無與倫比的視角,從太空探索的度,討論世界經濟和跨國企業。




  •  亞洲的地緣政治環境
  •  數據驅動的保險解決方案
  •  人才管理和文化評估
  •  滲透新興市場
  •  管理數位生態系統
  •  亞洲的投資和利率前景
  •  成功的、贏利的銀行保險模式
  •  預測建模
  •  創造鼓勵學習的文化環境之策略
  •  保險科技和數碼技術的結合
  •  保健創新:醫療技術對保險產品和銷售的影響
  •  機構變革的案例研究
  •  以及更多!






  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 在數字生態中苦苦掙扎?保險平臺可以幫到您!


AVP and Chief Agency Officer
  • 2018年9月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: 論壇:新興市場的盈利增長

AVP and Chief Agency Officer

Rotha Chan is the first local hire for Manulife Cambodia. Joining the company in January 2012, Rotha started as Agency Manager and moved gradually up to becoming Chief Agency Officer in early 2016. He was awarded Global Rising Star of Excellence in 2013 and Asia Star of Excellence in 2016. He leads our 3000 strong agency distribution. In 2017 he was awarded Special Jury Award by Asia Insurance Review in Singapore for and gave an outstanding presentation on agency leadership and the golden rules of sales at the 17th Singapore Agency Mangers' Conference organized by Financial Services Managers' Association (FSMA) Singapore.
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.:


Chiao博士擁有獨特的世界觀,因為他是為數不多的幾個能從太空觀察世界的人之一。 他曾四次飛往太空,在國際空間站擔任指揮官和美國宇航局的科學家,先後在太空中生活、工作了229天。 Chiao博士曾在學術界、政府實驗室、和科技創業公司工作,擁有廣泛深入的專業知識,這一切使他能夠以無與倫比的視角,從太空探索的高度,討論世界經濟和跨國企業。
Former Member (Life), IRDA &
Designated Partner, First Bay Financial Advisors LLP
  • 2018年9月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: 論壇:新興市場的盈利增長

Former Member (Life), IRDA &
Designated Partner, First Bay Financial Advisors LLP

Information coming soon!
  • 2018年9月17日

    10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: 論壇:醫療創新


湯瑪斯·第戎(Thomas Dijohn)是一位國際知名的會議演講人,以其遠見卓識和發人深思的領導能力而聞名。他目前是達卡多(dacadoo)亞太地區副總裁。達卡多是一家領先的瑞士科技公司,開發了一個獨特而創新的數字健康和生活方式平臺,具有發現疾病和計算風險的能力。2015年,湯瑪斯被借調到世界第五大製藥公司賽諾菲(Sanofi),擔任常駐代表,負責開發和實施一種臨床行為診斷工具,用於管理慢性病患者。在加入達卡多和賽諾菲之前,他在媒體、廣播、電信、管理服務和零售等行業從事創新和新業務。在過去的20年裡,他一直在亞太地區工作和生活,並擁有澳大利亞麥考瑞大學(Sydney, Australia)的MBA學位。
  • 2018年9月17日

    10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: 論壇:醫療創新


瑪麗亞·吉爾(Maria Gil)是安盛亞洲市場戰略發展辦公室主任,負責在中國香港特別行政區、中國大陸、日本、菲律賓、韓國、泰國和印尼的客戶體驗、創新、健康事業工作。在加入安盛之前,瑪麗亞在一家領先的成長策略諮詢公司工作,開發客戶體驗、員工敬業度、品牌和行銷的策略。在加入安盛之前,瑪麗亞曾為世界上最受尊敬的醫療價值鏈上的一些組織提供諮詢服務,包括輝瑞(Pfizer)、泰瓦(Teva)、梅奧診所(Mayo Clinic)、MD安德森癌症中心(MD Anderson Cancer Center)、大都會人壽保險(MetLife)和信諾保險(Cigna),以及寶潔(P&G)、Visa和惠普(HP)等行業的領導者提供諮詢服務。她曾在各種刊物上發表文章,是紐約大學斯特恩商學院品牌和市場行銷的講師,也是美國西北大學范伯格醫學院的兼職教授。瑪麗亞在哥倫比亞大學取得醫療管理碩士。
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


Jonathan Goacher leads the corporate insurance practice in Asia for DWF LLP, an award-wining legal business with 27 offices across four continents and 2,800+ staff. He has over fifteen years of experience at leading international law firms, advising life and non-life insurers & reinsurers, insurance brokerages & agents, loss adjusters and other insurance organizations on how to start and conduct business in Asia. His practice deals with matters such as business establishment, joint ventures, public and private mergers & acquisitions, complex corporate reorganizations, capital and solvency requirements, portfolio transfers, reinsurance, currency controls, sanctions and regulation of cross-border insurance business. Jonathan began his legal career in the United Kingdom and he is also a licensed attorney in New York.
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


Dr. Jung Kee Hong is an active professional and academic in the field of marketing and business development of Bancassurance and Alternative Distribution Channels for Asian Financial Institutions. Based on 20 years experiences of working in the international financial services arena in New York, Seoul, Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore, he has developed several insurance distribution partnerships among banks, automotive companies, retailers, and digital sales companies. He is also an author of academic books and articles for which he is frequently invited to various seminars as a panelist and lecturer. He has PhD in International Business from University of South Australia and M.B.A. in Financial Management from Pace University, Lubin School of Business in New York, U.S.A.
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


 保羅·鐘斯在保險行業有超過26年的從業經驗,曾在英國、新加坡和瑞士的直接保險和再保險行業工作過。他目前就職於RGA的香港分公司,負責亞洲地區的承銷業務,利用RGA強大的技術專長,進一步發展公司有關承銷風險管理和價值創造的戰略。在2014年加入RGA之前,保羅曾為太平洋人壽再保險工作,首先是新加坡的核保和理賠主管,之後是太平洋人壽再保險的英國業務。他的職業生涯還包括近十年的亞洲保險業務主管、總部位於蘇黎世的瑞士再保險公司(Swiss Re)的生命健康保險公司(Life & Health for Swiss Re),以及在新加坡設立的信諾人壽保險公司(Cigna’s Life, Accident & Health international business)的保險業務主管兩年。他是英國特許保險協會的准會員,持有英國保證醫療協會的壽險和殘障保險文憑。

Chief Information and Technology Officer
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)

Chief Information and Technology Officer

Josafat Timotius is a seasoned IT executive with over 19 years of experience in managing enterprise-wide IT, in a wide spectrum of domains including the financial, FMCG, and telecommunications industries. An influential leader with strong business sense, he is resourceful in using strong analytical skills to manage situations of great complexity. In his current role at Sequis Life, he advises the Board of Directors on strategies and policies as they relate to IT applications, and the day to day operations of the IT Division, and provides direction and guidance in the selection, implementation and quality control of both software and hardware initiatives.
  • 2018年9月17日

    10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: 論壇:醫療創新


斯科特是一位充滿激情的專業人士,在過去的15年裡,他的創業履歷證明了他的遠見卓識和成功。斯科特在紐西蘭奧塔哥大學(University of Otago)接受教育後,在一系列臨床環境、工傷補償保險和工作場所健康解決方案方面積累了豐富的經驗,在此過程中,他與澳大利亞最大的職業健康公司合作,在2012年實現了8位數的業績。作為亞太地區的商業領袖,斯科特擁有超過十年的經驗,他為大多數行業設計和開發了員工健康改善專案。現在,作為WellteQ的領袖,斯科特的重點是讓人們使用健康技術,並通過資料分析來改善業務,這樣,WellteQ正在迅速成為一個全球公認的團體健康界的領袖。
, 博士
  • 2018年9月17日

    10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.: 論壇:醫療創新

, 博士


Sheetal Patel is an Executive Director in the JAPAC region leading market access, advocacy and policy efforts across South East Asia and for the Bone Franchise regionally. Over the course of her 20+ year career in the Biopharmaceutical industry, Sheetal’s focus has been aimed at understanding how to align the value of innovative medicines with healthcare system needs and budgets around the globe. Since joining Amgen in 2009, Sheetal has served in a number of leadership roles including corporate initiatives focused on determining how to partner with payers in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, heading key pricing strategy and operations capabilities, and demonstrating value of biologic therapies. Her prior experience includes strategy consulting for the pharmaceutical industry, and equity research analysis for the biotechnology sector at various investment firms. Sheetal holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California - San Diego and the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and B.S. in Molecular Biology from Vanderbilt University.
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 保險行業:再造


Phipps先生負責TDI在亞洲的全球發展計劃,同時領導亞洲的區塊鏈業務。 憑藉超過25年的保險業務經驗,Phipps先生擔任的職務越來越高,其業務經歷從歐洲到亞洲,其業務領域從專業諮詢、壽險、GI到資產管理。最近,Phipps先生在香港擔任KPMG的合作夥伴,領導數字化的創新。 他熱衷於幫助保險公司更有效地與客戶聯繫,並通過技術手段使保險與更多的人相關。
, M.S.-IT-CIS, M.B.A.
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 數位化,亂中取勝!

, M.S.-IT-CIS, M.B.A.


作為LIMRA和LOMA的首席資訊官,Kartik Sakthivel先生負責為企業的資訊系統制定政策、設計戰略、和開發技術,並親自指導和管理整個企業的資訊系統,為實現企業的目標制定具體的時間表。Sakthivel先生的思想具備前瞻性,他不僅擁有豐富的產業經驗,而且擁有豐富的專業經驗。他積極宣導利用技術來提高公司的收入,利用技術來提高公司的盈利能力,利用技術來提高公司的整體效率和整體效益。 Sakthivel先生于2017年加入LIMRA/LOMA,在這之前,Sakthivel先生擔任Liberty Mutual Insurance的技術總監。
  • 2018年9月18日

    9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.: 適合增長的組織變革


Dr. Siew has more than 17 years of experience in designing and implementing large scale transformation programs for banks, sovereign wealth funds and Insurers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, India, UK and the US. He has extensive experience in advising c-suite executives on Growth Business Models, Lean Operation Models, Front to Back office redesigns, and differentiating via BPR, Fintech modifications and Customer Management improvements. While working out of the London office of Strategy& (formerly known as Booz & Company), Chan-Cheong successfully assisted numerous British and European global banks with their post 2008 global financial crisis transformations. He attained his MBA from London Business School and PhD from Southampton University, UK. 

Director - Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)
  • 1:43 p.m.:

Director - Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer

Sutikno Sjarif joined PT Zurich Topas Life in March 2017 as Chief Operating Officer & Chief Strategy Officer and was appointed as Director. He has more than 14 years of experience in the Life Insurance in Indonesia as Chief Operating Officer for AIA Financial Indonesia; Chief Operating Officer and Strategy for Manulife Indonesia before joining Zurich Topas Life. He started his career as trainee at Bank of America has also served as Chief Financial Officer and Business Planning Director for PT Pioneer Trading Company and Deputy Chief Finance Officer for Raja Garuda Mas. Within one year of joining Zurich Topas Life; Sutikno and his team has implemented eRecruitment, eTraining, STP and the first in Indonesia to introduce chatbot for Agency support. He had led Manulife Indonesia to the forefront in digitalization in Indonesia and Manulife Worldwide; The first to introduce BPM, integrated CRM, STP, SVOC, Sales Activity Management, and implementing the last stage of digital archiving that potentially gives Manulife Indonesia to be the first digital end to end company in Indonesia and Manulife Worldwide. Those outstanding contributions had brought him to the awards of Top IT & Telco Leadership and Best Corporate Practice for 2016 to Manulife, by The ITEC & The Minister of Communication & Informatics, in 2016.
Co-Founder and Executive Director
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)
  • 1:43 p.m.:

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Over 2+ decades of experience in Insurance domain across Asia, his expertise lies in successfully engaging with Insurers for their distribution transformation programs and digital initiatives. In recent years, he has championed various initiatives with the leading global insurers in Asia for Digital Distribution and Core Operational Process Transformations.
He has an engineering degree and is a post-graduate in management (Marketing).
As one of the Co-founder & Executive Directors of C2L BIZ, he is responsible for Sales & Marketing, Business Growth and Managing Customer Relationships. He is a speaker and thought leader in various industry fora and summits.

  • 2018年9月17日

    8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: 歡迎及開幕致辭
  • 2018年9月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: 論壇:新興市場的盈利增長
  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 休會


Watts 領導的營運部門負責協助亞洲、拉丁美洲、非洲及中東等地區的會員公司,助其達成商業目標。Watts 於 2013 年加入 LIMRA 和 LOMA 前,是 ACE Life International 的全球營運長,負責日常營運及新業務開發。他也曾在 AIG 及 AIA 擔任印度和中國區執行長,在英國、歐洲、中東、非洲及拉丁美洲擁有豐富的國際經驗。

  • 2019年3月26日

    1:43 p.m.: 分論壇 (同時進行3個主題)


瓦休-韋博沃 (Wahyu P. Wibowo)是一位經驗豐富的人力資源專業人士,在進入企業之前,他的職業生涯始于高中教師。從那時起,他在各個行業都有20多年的從業經驗,他的大部分職業生涯都是在當地和跨國公司的銀行和人壽保險公司度過的。目前,瓦休領導的保德信大學為印尼161個城市的27萬7千多名代理人和2千多名員工提供培訓和進修的機會。他擁有Kontanz大學的應用科學的MBA學位,參加過各種項目,包括歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)的高管領導力課程。
  • 2018年9月18日

    11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: 論壇:新興市場的盈利增長


  • 2018年9月18日

    9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.: 文化的重要性


Based in Hong Kong, Emily Woodward is a member of Spencer Stuart’s Financial Services and Legal, Compliance & Regulatory practices and serves financial services clients in Greater China and globally. She brings more than 15 years of executive search experience and global perspective to her work with organizations in Greater China, having worked and lived in Hong Kong, Thailand and United Kingdom. In addition to her deep industry knowledge, she has significant expertise in the areas of legal, compliance and risk, and has helped banks and insurance companies find senior leaders in these functions. Previously, Emily worked with clients as part of Spencer Stuart’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications Practice in London. Prior to joining Spencer Stuart, Emily worked with boutique executive search firms in London, where she focused on senior-level roles in the insurance, retail banking and technology industries. Emily earned her degree from Southampton University and speaks conversational Thai.
  • 2018年9月17日

    9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.: 開幕主旨演講:在混沌中的堅持


多明尼克•齊格勒(Dominic Ziegler)是《經濟學人》(Economist)在香港撰寫的有關亞洲事務的“榕樹”專欄的作者。在此之前,他曾在倫敦編輯過該雜誌的亞洲版。2005年至2009年,他擔任東京分社社長。他還在1994年至2000年期間擔任中國記者,在北京開設了經濟學人的第一個中國內地辦事處。他是該雜誌的財經編輯和駐華盛頓記者。他是《黑龍江》(2015)的作者,這本書是關於黑龍江的,這是大多數人從未聽說過的最長的河流。






考慮貴公司整個高管團隊參加大會嗎?我們提供多位報名的優惠折扣。詳情請聯繫Megan Schwartz女士


退款协议 所有的取消和退款申請必須通過書面提交。這些申請將被收取100 美元的管理費。早於大會開始前十個工作日並通過書面申請的退款在扣除管理費後將全額退還。在大會開始前十個工作日內所申請的退款將不予退還。如果大會因故取消,LIMRA/LOMA 將退還所有註冊費用。但LIMRA/LOMA 不負責所產生的差旅、住宿或其它費用。取消申请应遞交至

酒店 / 地點

Grand Hyatt Bali

Kawasan Wisata Nusa Dua BTDC, Nusa Dua
Bali, Indonesia, Indonesia, 80363



Kawasan Wisata Nusa Dua BTDC, Nusa Dua
峇里島  印度尼西亚, 80363
62 361 77 1234


2018817前在峇里島君悅酒店預訂花園景觀客房,並提及LIMRA LOMA戰略議題大會,可享受團體優惠價每晚單人房155美元/雙人房175美元,加稅。這一優惠價格將於會前三天開始,會後三天結束,房費包括:



電話:致電(62) 361 77 1234並提及LIMRA&LOMA戰略議題大會及代碼G-F481 


有些與會者可能需要簽證才能進入印尼。簽證邀請函將只提供給付費的會議註冊人。若您需要邀請函,請聯繫LIMRA的Trish Sasso女士


Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

作為兩家具有百年歷史、在70多個國家擁有超過900家會員公司的行業協會,LIMRA和LOMA的大會都是由贊助公司和參展公司的慷慨相助而成為可能。贊助LIMRA LOMA大會將有助於提高公司知名度、為您的產品和服務拓展市場、並獲得與亞洲地區銀行和保險業數百位重要決策者建立關係網絡的寶貴機會。所有贊助商(不包括廣告商)將享受如下福利:

由於名額有限,贊助機會售出很快,接受贊助申請的原則為先到先得。更多詳情,請聯繫Megan Schwartz女士,電子郵件, 電話: (860) 298-3929。

Sponsors and Exhibitors




聯絡 LIMRA 瞭解詳情:

Mr. Jinhai Guo

Event Coordinator