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運用 LIMRA 的調研成果來擬訂與執行有效的商業策略,隨時掌握快速變化的現代市場。您可以運用我們針對以下領域、中肯的量化與質化調研,找到成長機會,把握關鍵趨勢
View the latest consumer and sales information for individual and worksite life insurance. New Q3 2024 life sales infographic.
Help consumers advance retirement readiness with unbiased and actionable information and insights.
Examine the life, health, and related employee benefits marketplace from the carrier, employer, employee, and distributor perspectives.
Explore how financial products are sold via agents and advisors, websites, direct marketing, and more.
Benchmark your key product risks and your company’s product experience against the industry as a whole or against specific sub-segments of the industry.
Identify risks and opportunities by tapping into LIMRA’s predictive analytic expertise and community.
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