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2017 LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference

Challenges in the Marketing and Distribution of Life Insurance and Pension Plans 

9/10/2017 - 9/12/2017
Hotel Santiago (formerly the Grand Hyatt Santiago), Santiago, Chile


Who Attends

Head office chief executives and key executives of financial services companies operating in Latin America. As corporate executives, they are most concerned about emerging trends and developments in marketing, distribution and corporate management.

Opening Keynote Speaker

Rodrigo Vergara, Former President of the Central Bank of Chile
Senior economist at the Center for Public Studies and professor at the Institute of Economics at the Universidad Católica de Chile

Throughout his career, Vergara has been an economic advisor to the central banks and governments of countries around the world, as well as an external consultant for the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the United Nations. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University, is the author/editor of numerous academic journal articles and books, and is currently a senior economist at the Center for Public Studies and professor at the Institute of Economics at the Universidad Católica de Chile.


Join us at the Latin American Conference in Santiago, Chile, where we will bring together leading leaders in the life and pension insurance industries of Latin America. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to hear predictions about the development of existing marketing channels, as well as the development of new lines of business, including:

  • Recent Technologies
  • New types and more demanding consumers
  • Market Conduct Regulations
  • The birth of sophisticated products
  • Best practices for selection, recruitment and training within traditional channels
The conference will provide ample time for networking as well as opportunities to learn how others are improving and promoting new initiatives for the development of the life and pension insurance industry.

Make an investment in your professional development and register to join us in Santiago for this great learning opportunity!

Interpretation Services:

This event will be presented in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Interpretation into Portuguese, Spanish, and English will be offered at no additional cost.

Thank you to our 2017 Sponsors


Recaredo Arias
Director General, Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS)
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.: PANEL 2: Insureds, Consumers, or Customers?

Recaredo Arias

Director General, Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS)

Recaredo Arias es licenciado en Administración por la UNAM y maestro en la misma disciplina, con especialidad en Finanzas y Mercadotecnia, por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Desde sus inicios ha estado involucrado en el sector financiero y específicamente en el de seguros, siendo director general Adjunto de administración y finanzas de Banca Cremi y director general de dos aseguradoras, La Territorial y Cuauhtémoc. Luego de un primer periodo como director general de la AMIS, entre 1989 y 1992, desde 2003 ocupa nuevamente este puesto clave. Es también Vicepresidente de la Global Federation of Insurance Associations, el órgano de representación formal de la industria mundial de seguros (87% de las primas mundiales) donde además preside el Grupo de Trabajo de Inclusión Financiera. Le ha tocado, en AMIS, coordinar las negociaciones del NAFTA en su primera etapa y todos los preparativos para la adopción de Solvencia II, además de la negociación de la Ley de Seguros y Fianzas y su regularización secundaria.
Marcos Büchi Buc
President, Consorcio Financiero
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.: PANEL 1: The Impact of Regulation on Marketing Channels

Marcos Büchi Buc

President, Consorcio Financiero

Marcos Büchi is President of Consorcio Financiero, as well as President of three insurance companies: Consorcio Seguros Vida, CN Life Seguros Vida, and Consorcio Seguros Generales. Since 2016 he has been the Director of La Positiva Vida in Perú, and since 2014 he has chaired the board of Sociedad Minera Invierno y the company Cementos BSA. He is Executive Director of the Corporación Educacional Santo Tomás; Director of AELA Energía, a member of the advisory board for Endeavor, and from 2010 to 2015 he served as Director of Codelco. Mr. Büchi served as General Manager of the National Consortium of Life Insurance from 1999 to 2005, and was elected president of the Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile A.G. from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Büchi is a Civil Engineer from the University of Chile.
José Manuel Camposano
President, Chilena Consolidada/Grupo Zurich (Chile)

José Manuel Camposano

President, Chilena Consolidada/Grupo Zurich (Chile)

José Manuel Camposano es Presidente de Chilena Consolidada /Grupo Zurich en Chile. (Presidente de Chilena Consolidada Seguros Generales S.A.; Presidente de Zurich Administradora General de Fondos S.A.; Presidente de Zurich Investment S.A. y Gerente General de Chilena Consolidada Seguros de Vida S.A.). Se unió a Chilena Consolidada en 1979 como Subgerente General del negocio de Vida. Fue designado Chief Executive Officer (CEO) de Zurich Chile en marzo de 2008. En sus 31 años con Chilena Consolidada (Zurich Chile) el Sr. Camposano fue un factor clave en el desarrollo del negocio de Vida, no solamente en Chilena Consolidada, sino también en la industria aseguradora chilena como sector. Su contribución de más de 30 años a la Asociación de Aseguradores, de la que es miembro activo desde 1980, es ampliamente reconocida. El 20 de abril de 2012 es nombrado Presidente de la Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile y reelecto en abril del 2014 para un segundo periodo. El Sr. Camposano es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad de Chile.
Pablo Cevallos Sánchez
Presidente y CEO, Memorial International
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    11:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.: How to Generate Greater Profitability from People Insurance

Pablo Cevallos Sánchez

Presidente y CEO, Memorial International

Fundador, President & CEO de Corporación Memorial International, visionario en el concepto del negocio, con 30 años de experiencia en la industria funeraria ha logrado generar grandes beneficios e incrementar utilidades no operacionales en productos y servicios del sector asegurador, financiero y canales masivos, convirtiendo a Memorial International en el socio estratégico ideal mediante su modelo de negocio, posicionando la marca alrededor del mundo.
Gabriel Chaufan
President, BBVA Seguros, Argentina
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.: PANEL 1: The Impact of Regulation on Marketing Channels

Gabriel Chaufan

President, BBVA Seguros, Argentina

Gabriel Chaufan es Presidente de BBVA Seguros desde 2014, con un rol estratégico, institucional y de relación con el mercado. Antes de su posición actual, Gabriel fue Presidente, Gerente General y Miembro del Comité de Dirección de Banco Francés por Grupo BBVA Consolidar (2009-2014), y Gerente de Negocio Pensiones y Seguros (2003 – 2009). Antes de incorporarse a BBVA Seguros, trabajó en la Consultora de Estrategias “Roland Berger” y anteriormente se desempeñó como Director de Finanzas del Grupo Allianz en Argentina. Gabriel fue Presidente de AVIRA de 2007- 2009 y 2011-2013, donde fue un representante importante de la Entidad Gremial para las Compañías de Vida y Retiro de la República Argentina.
Jorge Claude Bourdel
Executive Vice President, Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile A.G.
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.: PANEL 1: The Impact of Regulation on Marketing Channels

Jorge Claude Bourdel

Executive Vice President, Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile A.G.

Ingeniero Civil con Mención Estructuras, Universidad de Chile. Master en Economía y Dirección de Empresas, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE), Barcelona, España. Fue Vicerrector Económico, Vicerrector Académico, Decano de la Facultad de Economía y Profesor de la Universidad del Norte.  Posteriormente, como Gerente de Finanzas de Banmédica S.A., inició las actividades de un compañía de seguros de vida, y una AFP. Fue Gerente de Finanzas de Banrenta Compañía de Seguros de Vida. También fue Director de Estudios de la carrera de Ingeniería Comercial y posteriormente Director Académico y profesor del ESE Business School de la Universidad de los Andes. Se ha desempeñado también como miembro titular de la Comisión Clasificadora de Riesgo de las AFP (en representación de las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones) y miembro del Directorio de diversas empresas. Como Gerente General de la Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile A.G., ha asumido cargos internacionales, llegando a ser Secretario General de FIDES durante dos períodos. En septiembre de 2012 fue nombrado Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Aseguradores de Chile A.G.
Eduardo Duque
Vicepresidente Distribución y Ventas, Old Mutual Colombia

Eduardo Duque

Vicepresidente Distribución y Ventas, Old Mutual Colombia

Eduardo Duque is Commercial Vice President for the Retail segment, where he initiatives the development of distribution channels, along with the design and implementation of strategies and tactics of sales. He has more than 15 years of experience in the financial sector, with a focus on the pension and life insurance industry, and in the last 10 years he has been a leader in sales, distribution and commercial issues at companies such as Skandia Colombia, Allianz Colombia and Positiva Insurance Company. Eduardo is an economist with an Executive MBA from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá.
Juan D. Escobar
President, Seguros SURA Colombia

Juan D. Escobar

President, Seguros SURA Colombia

Juan David has a systems engineer degree from EAFIT University, and holds a Master of Actuarial Mathematics from Georgia State University, an MBA from the Monterry Institute of Technology, and has done CEO coursework at Kellogg Northwestern University. He has worked at for 24 years in Sura, in different positions including Actuary Manager for General Insurance, Actuary Manager for Social Security and Life Annuities, Automobile Manager and Vice President of Insurance for Suramericana. He has been a member of the Boards of EPS sura, Sura Panama, Sura Republica Dominicana and Asesuisa.
Edson Franco
CEO Brazil, Zurich Brazil Seguros
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: PANEL 3: Technology, Connectivity, Digitization…and its Impact on Marketing Channels

Edson Franco

CEO Brazil, Zurich Brazil Seguros

Edson has 25 years of expertise on Pensions, Funds, Capitalization ad Retail Investments. His career was built on big sized companies like ABN AMRO Real Bank / Real Seguros, were has developed a career starting as IT Director, Life and Pensions Director and CEO of Tokio Marine Life and Pensions; In Zurich Group he has also held as CEO of Zurich-Santander Brazil, Regional CEO for Latin America and currently as CEO of Zurich Brazil. Edson holds Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration by FASP and Post-Graduation in Business Administration and Finance by FGV Sao Paulo.
Daniel García
Intendent of Insurance, Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.: WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS

Daniel García

Intendent of Insurance, Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile

Daniel Garcia Schilling holds a Master's Degree in Economics and Regulation in Public Services from the University of Barcelona (Spain), a Master’s in Business Law from the Adolfo Ibanez University (AIU), and a Master´s in Strategic Communications from AIU. His experience ranges from regulatory development and supervision in the field of finance, to management of strategic projects and legal work regarding corporate governance, risk-based supervision, financial inclusion and protection of consumer rights. From 2012 to 2014 he served as Director of Institutional Affairs and Communications for the Superintendence of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile (SBIF), where he advised on strategic issues and the development of the regulatory agenda. Prior to that role he was Chief of Staff at the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance of Chile (SVS), where he participated in the preparation of the documents that later served as input to the bill that created the Commission for Financial Markets.
Antonio Guzman
President, In Motion Insurance Technology

Antonio Guzman

President, In Motion Insurance Technology

Presidente de la Unidad de Software de Seguros de InMotion, que opera en toda Latinoamérica, desde 2011. Tiene más de 35 años dedicado exclusivamente al software para la industria aseguradora, y ha tenido clientes y proyectos en más de 20 países, en 3 continentes. Es un estudioso de la innovación en tecnología de seguros, tanto para seguros de Vida, Salud y seguros generales, especialmente en las áreas de marketing, suscripción, administración de pólizas y reaseguro. Se graduó en la Universidad Simón Bolívar, en Venezuela, y reside actualmente en Miami.
Dr. Winfried Heinen
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, General Reinsurance AG, Cologne

Dr. Winfried Heinen

Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, General Reinsurance AG, Cologne

Winfried Heinen joined Gen Re in 1988. Having serviced Gen Re’s Latin American Life/Health business from the Cologne office for three years, he was transferred to Mexico City as Regional Manager for Latin America. In 1996 he returned to Cologne, taking responsibility for Gen Re's German Life/Health business. He later assumed the position of Chief Actuary Life/Health. In 2007 he was appointed to General Reinsurance AG’s Board of Executive Directors, of which he became Chairman in July 2016. In April 2008 he was also appointed to General Re’s Board of Executive Directors. He holds a PhD in mathematics and is a member of the German actuarial association.
Fabian Ricardo Hilsenrat
Binaria Seguros de Vida S.A., Binaria Seguros de Retiro S.A.
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: PANEL 3: Technology, Connectivity, Digitization…and its Impact on Marketing Channels

Fabian Ricardo Hilsenrat

Binaria Seguros de Vida S.A., Binaria Seguros de Retiro S.A.

Fabian Hilsenrat es actuario egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina. Desde el inicio de su carrera profesional se desempeñó en varias compañías de seguros de personas ocupando distintos cargos gerenciales en ellas. También fue consultor especializado en seguros y planes de beneficios para empleados. Actualmente forma parte del staff ejecutivo de Binaria Seguros de Vida S.A. y Binaria Seguros de Retiro S.A. y es vicepresidente de AVIRA (Aseguradores de Vida y Retiro de la República Argentina) desde el año 2008. Fabian está casado y tiene tres hijos.
Ramón H Jerez
Director Ejecutivo, Digital Bank LATAM

Ramón H Jerez

Director Ejecutivo, Digital Bank LATAM

Emprendedor Serial, Programador, MBA Universidad de Chile, Autor del libro "La Revolución Digital y el Futuro de los Servicios Financieros". Hoy trabaja en desarrollar y fortalecer el Ecosistema de Innovación Financiera en Latinoamérica. Actualmente participa en los directorios de: Digital Bank Latam, EbankingNews, Grupo Componente y Componente Digital, además de sus aportes como mentor en Incubadoras y Startups.
James W. Kerley, LLIF
Managing Partner, Clearview Partners
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.: Consumers, Regulations, Distribution: Strategies for Success

James W. Kerley, LLIF

Managing Partner, Clearview Partners

Jim Kerley’s background includes more than 40 years of professional experience in the financial services industry, including nearly 25 years with New England Financial (now part of MetLife). He was also a founding partner of Trinity Communications before establishing Clearview Partners.

Jim formed Clearview Partners with the goals of connecting insurance executives and ideas in transformative ways, providing strategic insights in a rapidly changing environment, and consulting, coaching and collaborating with insurers interested in taking the necessary next steps into modernization.

Eduardo Mangarelli
Senior Director of Technology, Developers & Platform Group, Microsoft Latin America
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.: Digital Transformation: The impact of Artificial Intelligence

Eduardo Mangarelli

Senior Director of Technology, Developers & Platform Group, Microsoft Latin America

As the Senior Director of Technology for Microsoft Latin America, Eduardo leads the effort for driving technological innovation and value to businesses in Latin America.  With over 20 years of experience in Software Design, Software Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Eduardo has a wide range of experience in both insurance and academic roles.  Prior to his current role, Eduardo served as Country Manager in Microsoft Uruguay and Director of Innovation for Microsoft South Cone. He is a regular speaker at technology and innovation conferences, and is a spokesperson for CNN Español.
Juan Mazzini
Senior Analyst, Financial Services, Celent
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: PANEL 3: Technology, Connectivity, Digitization…and its Impact on Marketing Channels

Juan Mazzini

Senior Analyst, Financial Services, Celent

Juan’s career spans more than 25 years in the insurance and banking IT industries. In his current role he is responsible for driving research and providing advisory to C-level executives in the financial services industry in themes such as fintech, insurtech, innovation, emerging technology and business transformation. He has developed a deep understanding of core and noncore systems projects and operational business models, and used that expertise to advise firms based in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.   Prior to joining Celent, Juan was Corporate Vice President at Sistran, where he directly contributed to expanding its presence throughout 14 countries, including the US and key Latin American markets of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Joaquim Mendanha de Ataídes
Superintendente, Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP), Brazil

Joaquim Mendanha de Ataídes

Superintendente, Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP), Brazil

Joaquim Mendanha de Ataides is the Superintendent of the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), the supervisory authority for the insurance, reinsurance, private open pension and capitalization markets and corresponding brokerage activities in Brazil.   Before assuming this current role, Mr. Ataides was President of the brokers union in his home state Goiás (SINCOR-GO) and Secretary-Director at FENACOR, the national federation of insurance brokers.  Mr. Ataides holds an MBA in Insurance and Reinsurance from the National School of Insurance - FUNENSEG and a degree in Marketing Management from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás - PUC Goiás.
Helder Molina
Chief Executive Officer, MAG Seguros

Helder Molina

Chief Executive Officer, MAG Seguros

In 1978, Helder began his career as a managing partner at a digital scoreboard development company. In the following year, he diversified his area of activity when he joined the board of directors of Augustos Administração e Participações S / A, a company which he eventually because president of. In 1983 he assumed the position of equity director of Pessoal Cia de Seguros (the successor to Mombras). Since 1997, he has been president of Binswanger Brasil, a multinational real estate consultancy and from 2007 to 2011 he served as statutory director of the National Federation of Private Pension and Life (FenaPrevi). He is also a former board member for the Brazilian Association of Closed Private Pension Entities (Abraap) as well as LIMRA. Graduated in Electronic Engineering from Universidade Mackenzie São Paulo, with a postgraduate degree in Executive MBA from the University of São Paulo (USP) and designation LIMRA Leadership Institute Fellow (LLIF).
Fernando Solís Soberón
Director General de Banca de Ahorro y Previsión, Grupo Financiero Banorte, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Afore XXI Banorte
  • Monday, September 11, 2017

    11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.: PANEL 1: The Impact of Regulation on Marketing Channels

Fernando Solís Soberón

Director General de Banca de Ahorro y Previsión, Grupo Financiero Banorte, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Afore XXI Banorte

Actualmente se desempeña como Director General de Banca de Ahorro y Previsión, de Grupo Financiero Banorte, y Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Afore XXI Banorte. Así mismo, imparte cursos de finanzas y macroeconomía como Profesor Asociado al Departamento de Economía y al Executive MBA del ITAM. Licenciado en Economía por el ITAM y Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Virginia, con especialización en teoría monetaria y finanzas internacionales. Ha ocupado, entre otras, las siguientes posiciones: Director de la División de Finanzas y Administración y miembro del Comité de Dirección de Grupo Nacional Provincial (GNP Seguros), Presidente de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (CONSAR), Vicepresidente de Desarrollo de la Comisión Nacional de Seguros y Fianzas (CNSF), Presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Instituciones de Seguros (AMIS) y Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Teoría Económica de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ha publicado artículos y libros sobre diversos temas, entre los que se encuentran, seguros, pensiones, seguridad social, macroeconomía y finanzas.
Rodrigo Vergara
Former President of the Central Bank of Chile
Senior economist at the Center for Public Studies and professor at the Institute of Economics at the Universidad Católica de Chile

Rodrigo Vergara

Former President of the Central Bank of Chile
Senior economist at the Center for Public Studies and professor at the Institute of Economics at the Universidad Católica de Chile

Rodrigo Vergara Montes fue Presidente del Banco Central de Chile entre 2011 y 2016, y Consejero desde 2009 a 2011. Actualmente es Investigador Senior del Centro de Estudios Públicos y profesor titular del Instituto de Economía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Es Ingeniero Comercial de la Universidad Católica de Chile (1985) y Doctor en Economía de la Universidad de Harvard. Ha sido asesor y director de diversas empresas y consultor para distintos gobiernos e instituciones internacionales. Entre 2003 y 2009 fue académico en Universidad Católica de Chile y previamente se desempeñó como coordinador del Área Macroeconómica en el Centro de Estudios Públicos (1995-2003). Entre 1985 y 1995 trabajó en el Banco Central de Chile, donde llegó a ocupar el puesto de Economista Jefe. El señor Vergara es autor de numerosos artículos en revistas académicas y editor varios libros.
Roberto H. Walker
President, Principal Financial Group, Latin America
  • Tuesday, September 12, 2017

    11:40 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: PANEL 3: Technology, Connectivity, Digitization…and its Impact on Marketing Channels

Roberto H. Walker

President, Principal Financial Group, Latin America

Walker joined the company in 1996 and most recently served as COO, Principal International Latam, responsible for the development and execution of the business strategy in Latam; development of asset management and mutual fund businesses. Previous roles: CIO & CFO, Chile; Country Head, Mexico; Head of Funds Management overseeing Latam & Asia mutual funds and asset management services. Prior to Principal Chile: CIO - Citibank Global Asset Management; Managing Director, Citibank Asset Management - Chile. Walker holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration specializing in economics and finance from Universidad de Chile. In 2012, completed the Columbia Senior Executive Program at Columbia Business School Executive Education. He is currently Director of American Chamber in Chile.



Register by August 14, 2017:
LIMRA, LOMA or AACH member: $995
Nonmember: $1,490

After August 14, 2017:
LIMRA, LOMA or AACH member: $1,095
Nonmember: $1,590

Spouse/Guest - US$149  

A registration fee of $149 is available to spouses and guests of registered attendees. Individuals in an industry-related position, co-workers, or associates do not qualify.  We invite spouses/guests to participate in the event's food and social functions and ask that they wear their badge to these events. Participation in the general sessions and workshops is limited to those who have paid the full registration fee to attend the conference.


Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be received in writing. Cancellations received before August 18, 2017, will be refunded, less a $75 processing fee. Cancellations received from August 18 to September 1, 2017, will be refunded, less a $275 processing and administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after September 1, 2017. Email or fax to +1-860-285-7792.

In the event that a scheduled meeting or event is cancelled by LIMRA/LOMA for any reason, LIMRA/LOMA shall refund any conference registration fees that have been paid by the registrant. Under no circumstances, however, shall LIMRA/LOMA be liable to the registrant for any other expenses including, but not limited to, airfare and hotel expenses incurred by the registrant.

Hotel / Venue

Hotel Santiago (formerly the Grand Hyatt Santiago)
Kennedy Avenue #4601
Santiago, Chile 756 099
+56 2 2950 3289


Hotel Reservations: Make your room reservation at the Hotel Santiago by August 21, 2017 and mention the LIMRA Latin American Conference to receive the discounted group rate of CLP $133.600 single/$143.500 double (plus applicable sales taxes). The group rate will be offered three days prior and three days after the meeting dates, and include a daily breakfast and internet. Please note that all reservations are subject to availability of rooms at the time of your reservation. Check in time is 15:00 and check out time is 12:00.

To make your hotel reservations please call the hotel directly at +56 2 2950 3088, email        and mention the LIMRA LOMA Latin American Conference, or book online at

Airport Transfers and Onsite Activities: The closest airport to the conference venue is SCL. Once you have made your flight arrangements, you can book airport transfers at This link will also allow you to sign up for extracurricular activities during your stay in Santiago. Note: Deadline for all purchases is September 4, 2017. After this date please contact for availability.

Grand Hyatt Santiago

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

LIMRA and LOMA Conferences are made possible by the generosity of our sponsors and exhibitors. Sponsorship of the LIMRA/LOMA Latin American Conference will help increase name recognition, build product and service awareness, and provide valuable networking opportunities to several hundred key decision-makers in the life insurance and financial services industries across Latin America.

For details on the benefits of sponsorship, available packages, and how to apply to become a sponsor at the Latin American Conference, see our PDF form here, or email Megan Schwartz at for more details.

Sponsors and Exhibitors


Media Sponsor

Contact us to learn more:

Joan O'Neil

Senior Conference Coordinator


(860) 285-7741

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