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Leadership Strategies

2019年6月3日 - 2019年6月6日
Babson Executive Conference Center, Wellesley, MA USA



This program is designed for:

  • Leaders in all roles who want to identify and enhance their leadership abilities
  • Leaders who would benefit from leveraging a powerful understanding of their own style and “blind spots”
  • Individuals who are new to higher levels of leadership, who are in a new environment, or who are leading a new team


Develop a personalized action plan to enhance your ability to influence and lead. Leadership Strategies includes an executive strategy simulation, peer feedback, faculty coaching, and assessment tools to provide an in-depth understanding of your own leadership style and its impact on others. You will gain valuable insights into your interpersonal strengths and development opportunities — and discover the role emotional intelligence plays in potential success or derailment.

  • Explore personal influence, potential for derailment, options for conflict management, and decision making.
  • Identify ways to develop trust, influence, and skills for giving and receiving feedback.
  • Discover the impact of emotional intelligence.
  • Create a personal development plan based on assessment results, feedback, and coaching.


Joan Ashman

Joan Ashman

Joan Ashman, CPCU, is an executive coach and a consultant in leadership and human capital strategies. She was formerly Director of Human Capital Development and Director of the Leadership Center for The Hartford. Ashman has held various field and corporate insurance positions, and has over twenty years experience in executive education, and staff and leadership development. She holds a Masters of Science in Management.



Kramer-Kawakami 在 LIMRA 擔任特別顧問一職,並參與公司數個領域的專案。她參與有關行銷和策略規劃、分銷發展和組織學習與變更的諮詢專案。她亦與北美洲、亞洲、歐洲和澳洲的成員公司合作。除了 LIMRA 成員身分外,她還透過其獨立公司 Re:Sources, Inc. 從事組織發展諮詢工作。

在 Kramer-Kawakami 擔任 LIMRA 全職職員時,其負責管理 LIMRA 的管理階層和高階主管發展的運作,包括 LIMRA Leadership Institute (LIMRA 領導學會) 以及其關於高階主管晉升計劃和高階主管發展諮詢服務的策略。

她於 1984 年加入 LIMRA,擔任 Company Operations Division (公司運作部門) 的 Human Resource Development Group (人力資源發展小組) 的顧問,並於 1986 年晉升為高級顧問。1987 年她被任命為主管,1990 年被提升為助理副總裁,並於 1993 年成為第二 (公司) 副總裁。

Kramer-Kawakami 於 1975 年成為獨立經紀人,自此開始了她的人壽保險職涯。1976 年,她被任命為 Transamerica Occidental Life 在邁阿密的助理經紀經理,並於次年成為經紀經理。1981 年她加入 James Croke Associates,擔任保險管理和高階人才搜尋顧問。



Tuition Rates:
LIMRA or LOMA Member: $4,500.00 (special 2019 rate)
Nonmember: $9,000.00

酒店 / 地點

Babson Executive Conference Center
One Snyder Drive
Babson Park (Wellesley), MA 02457 USA

Please Note: The Babson Executive Conference Center is the venue for both the program sessions and hotel accommodations. Upon completing the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email including further details — and a hotel room will be reserved in your name. You will be responsible for paying the hotel rate upon check-out.

聯絡 LIMRA 瞭解詳情:

Strategic Leadership
